Table S1 – Summary of mapping reads to reference genome. Table S2 – Mismatch rates detected from reads mapped to reference genome before and after merge by different merge programs. Table S3 – Insertion rates detected from reads mapped to reference genome before and after merge by different merge programs. Table S4 – Deletions rates detected from reads mapped to reference genome before and after merge by different merge programs. Table S5 – Q30* values for Group A from different libraries. Table S6 – Q30* values for Group M from different libraries. Table S7 – Tandem repeats in S. Parasanguinis FW213. (DOCX 36 kb
Table S1. List of species examined in this study and genome assembly version. (XLSX 16Â kb
Table S1. Overview of genomic rearrangement occurring in different samples. Contains information on ...
Assembly statistics among Caenorhabditis species and Strongyloides species including ALLMAPS results...
Number of misassemblies for assembly results from different library sizes. Number of misassemblies f...
Number of misassemblies for different assembly strategies. Number of misassemblies for the de novo a...
N50 for assembly results from different assembly strategies assembled by IDBA-UD and SPAdes. N50 val...
Percentage of genome covered by contigs assembled by different assembly strategies. Covered genome f...
A2metricTable.txt: REAPR, CEGMA and contiguity statistics reported for all Assemblathon2 metassembli...
A1MetEventsTable.txt: Reported metassembly events (i.e. modifications to the primary assembly such a...
A1metricTable.txt: GAGE reported assembly evaluation metrics for all Assemblathon1 metassemblies at ...
Table S1. Assembly statistics and taxonomy for all MAGs and SAGs. For MAGs, âCoverage within sampl...
Table S1. Genome sequencing and assembly statistics (coverages based on a 150Mb genome size; lengths...
Table S1. Statistics of a reference assembly and 11 descendant assemblies, as well as CSBs construct...
Table S7. Performance statistics on improving de novo assembly. a. Genome assembly performance stati...
Bacteroidia draft genomes binned by genus and by species. a. Box plot of draft/incomplete Bacteroidi...
Table S1. List of species examined in this study and genome assembly version. (XLSX 16Â kb
Table S1. Overview of genomic rearrangement occurring in different samples. Contains information on ...
Assembly statistics among Caenorhabditis species and Strongyloides species including ALLMAPS results...
Number of misassemblies for assembly results from different library sizes. Number of misassemblies f...
Number of misassemblies for different assembly strategies. Number of misassemblies for the de novo a...
N50 for assembly results from different assembly strategies assembled by IDBA-UD and SPAdes. N50 val...
Percentage of genome covered by contigs assembled by different assembly strategies. Covered genome f...
A2metricTable.txt: REAPR, CEGMA and contiguity statistics reported for all Assemblathon2 metassembli...
A1MetEventsTable.txt: Reported metassembly events (i.e. modifications to the primary assembly such a...
A1metricTable.txt: GAGE reported assembly evaluation metrics for all Assemblathon1 metassemblies at ...
Table S1. Assembly statistics and taxonomy for all MAGs and SAGs. For MAGs, âCoverage within sampl...
Table S1. Genome sequencing and assembly statistics (coverages based on a 150Mb genome size; lengths...
Table S1. Statistics of a reference assembly and 11 descendant assemblies, as well as CSBs construct...
Table S7. Performance statistics on improving de novo assembly. a. Genome assembly performance stati...
Bacteroidia draft genomes binned by genus and by species. a. Box plot of draft/incomplete Bacteroidi...
Table S1. List of species examined in this study and genome assembly version. (XLSX 16Â kb
Table S1. Overview of genomic rearrangement occurring in different samples. Contains information on ...
Assembly statistics among Caenorhabditis species and Strongyloides species including ALLMAPS results...