Phylogenetic analysis of B. tabaci P450s. Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree of B. tabaci Med (BtMed, indicated in red) and P450 protein sequences from 14 insect species. Sequences were aligned using mafft and a bootstrapped midpoint-rooted tree was constructed (1000 bootstraps). Bootstrap percentage is indicated for crucial branches. List of species in the figure: D. melanogaster (Dmel), L. striatellus (Lstri), B. dorsalis (Bdor), D. citri (Dcit), H. zea (Hzea), D. punctata (Dpun), A. gossypii (Agoss), A. gambiae (Agam), M. Domestica (Mdom), P. polyxenes (Ppol), A. pisum (Apisum), A. melifera (Amel), M. persicae (Mpersi), B. tabaci (Btab). For accession numbers see tree or Additional file 15: Figure S7. (PDF 1005 kb
<p>Aech: <i>Acromyrmex echinatior</i>, Apis: <i>Acyrthosiphon pisum</i>, Alin: <i>Adelphocoris lineo...
<p>(<b>A</b>) Phylogenetic analysis of Cyp301A1 and Cyp301B1 in the insect species. Values shown rep...
Phylogenetic tree of insect SNMP. The C. bowringi translated genes are shown in blue. Amino acid seq...
Amino acid alignment of nAChR subunits from B. tabaci transcriptome with available protein sequences...
Amino acid sequences (fasta format) of P450s from B. tabaci transcriptome with available protein seq...
Amino acid alignment of B. tabaci nAChR subunits. Protein sequence alignment of B. tabaci nAChR subu...
PCA plot. Overall similarity between samples using mapped reads on all contigs of the reference tran...
List of DE detoxification unigenes over-expressed in the three resistant strains. (XLSX 27 kb
Differentially expressed unigenes (LogFC > 1, FDR < 0.05), with LogCPM and TMM normalized FPKM for e...
GO analysis by ontology category (level 2). A. Molecular function (MF); B. Biological process (BP); ...
Heatmap spearman correlation matrix of significant DE (LogFC > 1 FDR < 0.05) unigenes based on their...
GO enrichment analysis of all strains vs full transcriptome. The file consists separate sheets of up...
Phylogenetic analysis of P. ulmi mitochondrial CYPs. Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree of P. ulmi...
Unrooted distance neighbor-joining tree of P450 sequences from H. armigera (Red) and B. mori (Black)...
<p><i>B. oleae</i> P450s clustered within the 4 major insect CYP clades. Aech: <i>Acromyrmex echinat...
<p>Aech: <i>Acromyrmex echinatior</i>, Apis: <i>Acyrthosiphon pisum</i>, Alin: <i>Adelphocoris lineo...
<p>(<b>A</b>) Phylogenetic analysis of Cyp301A1 and Cyp301B1 in the insect species. Values shown rep...
Phylogenetic tree of insect SNMP. The C. bowringi translated genes are shown in blue. Amino acid seq...
Amino acid alignment of nAChR subunits from B. tabaci transcriptome with available protein sequences...
Amino acid sequences (fasta format) of P450s from B. tabaci transcriptome with available protein seq...
Amino acid alignment of B. tabaci nAChR subunits. Protein sequence alignment of B. tabaci nAChR subu...
PCA plot. Overall similarity between samples using mapped reads on all contigs of the reference tran...
List of DE detoxification unigenes over-expressed in the three resistant strains. (XLSX 27 kb
Differentially expressed unigenes (LogFC > 1, FDR < 0.05), with LogCPM and TMM normalized FPKM for e...
GO analysis by ontology category (level 2). A. Molecular function (MF); B. Biological process (BP); ...
Heatmap spearman correlation matrix of significant DE (LogFC > 1 FDR < 0.05) unigenes based on their...
GO enrichment analysis of all strains vs full transcriptome. The file consists separate sheets of up...
Phylogenetic analysis of P. ulmi mitochondrial CYPs. Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree of P. ulmi...
Unrooted distance neighbor-joining tree of P450 sequences from H. armigera (Red) and B. mori (Black)...
<p><i>B. oleae</i> P450s clustered within the 4 major insect CYP clades. Aech: <i>Acromyrmex echinat...
<p>Aech: <i>Acromyrmex echinatior</i>, Apis: <i>Acyrthosiphon pisum</i>, Alin: <i>Adelphocoris lineo...
<p>(<b>A</b>) Phylogenetic analysis of Cyp301A1 and Cyp301B1 in the insect species. Values shown rep...
Phylogenetic tree of insect SNMP. The C. bowringi translated genes are shown in blue. Amino acid seq...