Library Etef_repeats_V1.4 containing the repeats isolated in this study. (FAS 615 kb
Figure S4. Phylogenetic analysis of 136 insect genomes using the relative abundance information from...
Table S1. The genome sizes, GC content, SSR numbers and densities of 136 insect genomes. (DOCX 40 kb
The list of all the identified amino acid repeats in the zebra finch orthologous data set. (CSV 359 ...
Nucleotide sequences from paralogs in Clade 2 (Additional file 6 : Figure S6). (FAS 6 kb
a) Sequence of a repeat library entry including ~2.5 copies of a tandem-arranged monomer. Arrows ind...
Multiple alignment of non-LTR RT paralog sequences identified in teff cv Enantite and Tsedey. (MSF 4...
Detail of the clades splitting into two subclades (1 and 2) presented in Fig. 2 . Bootstrap values...
Multiple alignment of non-LTR RT paralog sequences identified in teff, Rice and Maize. (MSF 33 kb
Multiple alignment of hAT dimerization domain paralog sequences identified in teff, Rice and Maize. ...
Multiple alignment of MuDr transposase paralog sequences identified in teff, Rice and Maize. (MSF 7 ...
Genomic repeats by species. Genomic repeats were identified for each genome, and the cumulative mean...
Showing a list of drs (direct repeats) observed in isolates of ErelGV. CNVs stand for the total of ‘...
Table S8. Relative abundance of imperfect SSRs in different genomic regions. (DOCX 26 kb
Table S7. Relative abundance of perfect SSRs in different genomic regions. (DOCX 24 kb
Putative satellite DNA sequences in genomes of blue-flowered flax. (DOCX 1037 kb
Figure S4. Phylogenetic analysis of 136 insect genomes using the relative abundance information from...
Table S1. The genome sizes, GC content, SSR numbers and densities of 136 insect genomes. (DOCX 40 kb
The list of all the identified amino acid repeats in the zebra finch orthologous data set. (CSV 359 ...
Nucleotide sequences from paralogs in Clade 2 (Additional file 6 : Figure S6). (FAS 6 kb
a) Sequence of a repeat library entry including ~2.5 copies of a tandem-arranged monomer. Arrows ind...
Multiple alignment of non-LTR RT paralog sequences identified in teff cv Enantite and Tsedey. (MSF 4...
Detail of the clades splitting into two subclades (1 and 2) presented in Fig. 2 . Bootstrap values...
Multiple alignment of non-LTR RT paralog sequences identified in teff, Rice and Maize. (MSF 33 kb
Multiple alignment of hAT dimerization domain paralog sequences identified in teff, Rice and Maize. ...
Multiple alignment of MuDr transposase paralog sequences identified in teff, Rice and Maize. (MSF 7 ...
Genomic repeats by species. Genomic repeats were identified for each genome, and the cumulative mean...
Showing a list of drs (direct repeats) observed in isolates of ErelGV. CNVs stand for the total of ‘...
Table S8. Relative abundance of imperfect SSRs in different genomic regions. (DOCX 26 kb
Table S7. Relative abundance of perfect SSRs in different genomic regions. (DOCX 24 kb
Putative satellite DNA sequences in genomes of blue-flowered flax. (DOCX 1037 kb
Figure S4. Phylogenetic analysis of 136 insect genomes using the relative abundance information from...
Table S1. The genome sizes, GC content, SSR numbers and densities of 136 insect genomes. (DOCX 40 kb
The list of all the identified amino acid repeats in the zebra finch orthologous data set. (CSV 359 ...