Intron length comparisons between Susy BAC clone from P. pinaster and Susy from two angiosperm plants. The intron I8 in the BAC clone contains a gap. The gene capture model is also included (DOCX 20 kb
Excel spreadsheet listing all 1,031 BAC contigs including the nested BAC contigs that were removed f...
Table S1. The ratio of split-reads mapped to each cpDNA of six Populus species using Bowtie and BWA....
Description of Picea abies SNPs successfully genotyped with the Infinium SNP array. (XLSX 1081 kb
Summary of AS contigs obtained in the gene capture and used to build the AS model. (XLS 138 kb
In the era of DNA throughput sequencing, assembling and understanding gymnosperm mega-genomes remain...
Additional File 1. Detailed protocols: (A) Isolation of nuclear DNA from plants; (B) Dialysis of nuc...
These are Additional Files for the manuscript "Exploring the loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) genome b...
Table S1. RNA-sequencing library statistics. Table S2. Program parameters used for assembly that dev...
Predicted species distribution for non-pine origin sequences removed from the Pinus patula v1.0 tran...
Table S1. Gene Ontology (GO) distributions for P. kesiya var. langbianensis. Table S2. SSR markers i...
Limma DE gene table of the spots with foreground different to background. Table S2. EdgeR DE gene ta...
Comparisons of orders of Pinus conserved genes between P. flexilis Cr4 linkage group (LG) and LG8 of...
Allele composition of all chloroplast microsatellite haplotypes (A-BH) derived from three chloroplas...
Table S1. Annotation of genes containing SNPs associated with gene expression. Table S2. Annotation ...
Putative primer pairs for the class I and class II SSRs in the coding regions of Norway spruce (Pice...
Excel spreadsheet listing all 1,031 BAC contigs including the nested BAC contigs that were removed f...
Table S1. The ratio of split-reads mapped to each cpDNA of six Populus species using Bowtie and BWA....
Description of Picea abies SNPs successfully genotyped with the Infinium SNP array. (XLSX 1081 kb
Summary of AS contigs obtained in the gene capture and used to build the AS model. (XLS 138 kb
In the era of DNA throughput sequencing, assembling and understanding gymnosperm mega-genomes remain...
Additional File 1. Detailed protocols: (A) Isolation of nuclear DNA from plants; (B) Dialysis of nuc...
These are Additional Files for the manuscript "Exploring the loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) genome b...
Table S1. RNA-sequencing library statistics. Table S2. Program parameters used for assembly that dev...
Predicted species distribution for non-pine origin sequences removed from the Pinus patula v1.0 tran...
Table S1. Gene Ontology (GO) distributions for P. kesiya var. langbianensis. Table S2. SSR markers i...
Limma DE gene table of the spots with foreground different to background. Table S2. EdgeR DE gene ta...
Comparisons of orders of Pinus conserved genes between P. flexilis Cr4 linkage group (LG) and LG8 of...
Allele composition of all chloroplast microsatellite haplotypes (A-BH) derived from three chloroplas...
Table S1. Annotation of genes containing SNPs associated with gene expression. Table S2. Annotation ...
Putative primer pairs for the class I and class II SSRs in the coding regions of Norway spruce (Pice...
Excel spreadsheet listing all 1,031 BAC contigs including the nested BAC contigs that were removed f...
Table S1. The ratio of split-reads mapped to each cpDNA of six Populus species using Bowtie and BWA....
Description of Picea abies SNPs successfully genotyped with the Infinium SNP array. (XLSX 1081 kb