<p>The amplified product is marked with large arrow. L represents the DNA ladder; five bands are marked in kbp. ‘-ve’ represents the negative control that lacked the insert during overlapping PCR reaction. The final product is seen only in those reactions that had the gene of interest. Although other DNA bands are also seen on the gel, they were not identified and, possibly, did not interfere in our experiment.</p
<p>Electrophoreses were run in 1 x TAE at 60 V for 40 min. Lanes M and M2: DNA marker I and pUC19 DN...
<p><b>A.</b> Schematic representation of the strategy of primer extension used for detecting pause s...
The red rectangles on top of gels A and B represent the cropped areas used to build Fig 1N and 1P (B...
<p>PCR products were separated on agarose gel and stained with ethidium bromide to display amplified...
<p>Hyperladder in lanes 1 and 25 allows estimation of insert length. PCR controls in lanes 22, 23 an...
<p>Lanes 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8 designate PCR products of template DNA from study participants, and...
Each column is labeled by a gene, with members of the TAS2R family in the order of location on human...
<p>Overlapping PCR method is shown with only the strands that will be extended by the DNA polymerase...
<p>(A) The p3B plasmid was linearized by PCR with primers p3Bf and p3Br. In parallel, the kanMX cass...
A dark purple control band is visible near the top of each test strip, indicating the proper functio...
<p>Locus names are shown at the upper left corner of each panel. Capital letters in the upper lane i...
<p>Agarose gel electrophoresis pattern of digested PCR products stained with ethidium bromide shows ...
<p>Amplification with the primer set 18f/1537r. Lane 1∶1 kb DNA ladder (Invitrogen). Lane 2: SSUrRNA...
<p>(A) The first polymerase chain reaction with 3% ramp speed was amplified by specific sequences, a...
<p>Image of gel showing amplification of the PCR protocols described: (A) GeneRuler 100bp DNA ladder...
<p>Electrophoreses were run in 1 x TAE at 60 V for 40 min. Lanes M and M2: DNA marker I and pUC19 DN...
<p><b>A.</b> Schematic representation of the strategy of primer extension used for detecting pause s...
The red rectangles on top of gels A and B represent the cropped areas used to build Fig 1N and 1P (B...
<p>PCR products were separated on agarose gel and stained with ethidium bromide to display amplified...
<p>Hyperladder in lanes 1 and 25 allows estimation of insert length. PCR controls in lanes 22, 23 an...
<p>Lanes 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8 designate PCR products of template DNA from study participants, and...
Each column is labeled by a gene, with members of the TAS2R family in the order of location on human...
<p>Overlapping PCR method is shown with only the strands that will be extended by the DNA polymerase...
<p>(A) The p3B plasmid was linearized by PCR with primers p3Bf and p3Br. In parallel, the kanMX cass...
A dark purple control band is visible near the top of each test strip, indicating the proper functio...
<p>Locus names are shown at the upper left corner of each panel. Capital letters in the upper lane i...
<p>Agarose gel electrophoresis pattern of digested PCR products stained with ethidium bromide shows ...
<p>Amplification with the primer set 18f/1537r. Lane 1∶1 kb DNA ladder (Invitrogen). Lane 2: SSUrRNA...
<p>(A) The first polymerase chain reaction with 3% ramp speed was amplified by specific sequences, a...
<p>Image of gel showing amplification of the PCR protocols described: (A) GeneRuler 100bp DNA ladder...
<p>Electrophoreses were run in 1 x TAE at 60 V for 40 min. Lanes M and M2: DNA marker I and pUC19 DN...
<p><b>A.</b> Schematic representation of the strategy of primer extension used for detecting pause s...
The red rectangles on top of gels A and B represent the cropped areas used to build Fig 1N and 1P (B...