Manhattan plot for k-CN% for the within breed analysis (black and grey closed dots: Danish Holstein; green/blue closed dotes: Danish Jersey) and the meta-analysis (pink and red closed dots). The horizontal dashed line represents FDR < 0.10 significance level. On the x-axis the chromosomes are represented. On the y-axis the –log10 (P-value) is presented. (PNG 10 kb
Figure S7. Long-range differences of allele frequencies and heterozygosity between an elite group (G...
GWAS for calving ease using stature as a covariate. The red line marks the Bonferroni corrected sign...
Figure S6. Single-SNP Manhattan plots for the percentage of genetic variance adsorbed for each trait...
Manhattan plot for casein % for the within breed analysis (black and grey closed dots: Danish Holste...
Manhattan plot for β-LG% for the within breed analysis (black and grey closed dots: Danish Holstein;...
Manhattan plot for αS2-CN% for the within breed analysis (black and grey closed dots: Danish Holstei...
Manhattan plot for protein % for the within breed analysis (black and grey closed dots: Danish Holst...
Linkage disequilibrium plot (r2) of the DGAT region in the Danish Holstein breed. (PNG 357 kb
Significant SNP markers (FDR < 0.10) for the major milk proteins and their post translational modifi...
Significant SNP markers (FDR < 0.10) for the major milk proteins and their post translational modifi...
SNPs with Bonferroni corrected p-values higher than 0.05 (−log10(p) ≥ 8.50) for the milk yield. Colu...
SNPs with Bonferroni corrected p-values higher than 0.05 (−log10(p) ≥ 8.50) for the fat yield. Colum...
BTA5, −log10(p) values plotted against the genomic positions for each trait. (PNG 306 kb
Figure S8. Single-SNP Manhattan plots for the percentage of genetic variance adsorbed for each trait...
Per chromosome coverage by sequencing reads. The horizontal axis shows 29 autosomes and X chromosome...
Figure S7. Long-range differences of allele frequencies and heterozygosity between an elite group (G...
GWAS for calving ease using stature as a covariate. The red line marks the Bonferroni corrected sign...
Figure S6. Single-SNP Manhattan plots for the percentage of genetic variance adsorbed for each trait...
Manhattan plot for casein % for the within breed analysis (black and grey closed dots: Danish Holste...
Manhattan plot for β-LG% for the within breed analysis (black and grey closed dots: Danish Holstein;...
Manhattan plot for αS2-CN% for the within breed analysis (black and grey closed dots: Danish Holstei...
Manhattan plot for protein % for the within breed analysis (black and grey closed dots: Danish Holst...
Linkage disequilibrium plot (r2) of the DGAT region in the Danish Holstein breed. (PNG 357 kb
Significant SNP markers (FDR < 0.10) for the major milk proteins and their post translational modifi...
Significant SNP markers (FDR < 0.10) for the major milk proteins and their post translational modifi...
SNPs with Bonferroni corrected p-values higher than 0.05 (−log10(p) ≥ 8.50) for the milk yield. Colu...
SNPs with Bonferroni corrected p-values higher than 0.05 (−log10(p) ≥ 8.50) for the fat yield. Colum...
BTA5, −log10(p) values plotted against the genomic positions for each trait. (PNG 306 kb
Figure S8. Single-SNP Manhattan plots for the percentage of genetic variance adsorbed for each trait...
Per chromosome coverage by sequencing reads. The horizontal axis shows 29 autosomes and X chromosome...
Figure S7. Long-range differences of allele frequencies and heterozygosity between an elite group (G...
GWAS for calving ease using stature as a covariate. The red line marks the Bonferroni corrected sign...
Figure S6. Single-SNP Manhattan plots for the percentage of genetic variance adsorbed for each trait...