Figures showing changes in mean mass, maximum mass, and density of rockfish by region
Examples of fish species that undergo significant dietary or habitat shifts during their development
Figures showing predicted 500-year trends in total adult basal area, total sapling density, and tota...
A figure showing annual variations in lamb body mass of males predicted from the selected model for ...
Temporal changes in size-based fish characteristics and sampling within three large marine ecosystem...
Data for 85 fish species with 235 populations or sexual groups used to develop our model for the rel...
Comparison of linear, mixed-effects models describing among-site variation in mortality of blue rock...
A description of the empirical study of fish densities across a no-take marine-reserve boundary
A table showing mean mass and caloric density of prey species found in stomachs of birds shot at Roc...
Tables and graphs for the analysis of the “something fishy” example: proportion of fish on empty sto...
Coefficients associated with tests of density dependence in mortality of bicolor damselfish in each ...
An examination of the distribution of North American fishes within the 3-point life-history continuu...
Figures showing the accumulation curves of trapped invertebrates for a number of dominant species, u...
A figure showing influence of habitat characteristics on aggregate nitrogen excretion by fishes
Figures showing the effect of changes in the cannibalism rate on predator and prey isoclines and equ...
A table of all specific prey δ15N values used to generate regional estimates of mean prey δ15N value...
Examples of fish species that undergo significant dietary or habitat shifts during their development
Figures showing predicted 500-year trends in total adult basal area, total sapling density, and tota...
A figure showing annual variations in lamb body mass of males predicted from the selected model for ...
Temporal changes in size-based fish characteristics and sampling within three large marine ecosystem...
Data for 85 fish species with 235 populations or sexual groups used to develop our model for the rel...
Comparison of linear, mixed-effects models describing among-site variation in mortality of blue rock...
A description of the empirical study of fish densities across a no-take marine-reserve boundary
A table showing mean mass and caloric density of prey species found in stomachs of birds shot at Roc...
Tables and graphs for the analysis of the “something fishy” example: proportion of fish on empty sto...
Coefficients associated with tests of density dependence in mortality of bicolor damselfish in each ...
An examination of the distribution of North American fishes within the 3-point life-history continuu...
Figures showing the accumulation curves of trapped invertebrates for a number of dominant species, u...
A figure showing influence of habitat characteristics on aggregate nitrogen excretion by fishes
Figures showing the effect of changes in the cannibalism rate on predator and prey isoclines and equ...
A table of all specific prey δ15N values used to generate regional estimates of mean prey δ15N value...
Examples of fish species that undergo significant dietary or habitat shifts during their development
Figures showing predicted 500-year trends in total adult basal area, total sapling density, and tota...
A figure showing annual variations in lamb body mass of males predicted from the selected model for ...