Figures showing predicted 500-year trends in total adult basal area, total sapling density, and total seedling density in four herbivory scenarios for the alluvial and marine terrace forests
A table showing annual species population density during the first five years after fire in chaparra...
Figures showing relative abundance distributions for species contributing to community-level analysi...
Tables reporting changes in foliar biomass and calcium content of selected understory species and su...
A table showing annualized changes in density and mortality rates of common tree species in four 1-h...
Summary of observed regression slopes of seedling survival on adult tree abundance or seedling densi...
A figure showing relative abundance (proportion of total) of Pseudotsuga, hardwoods, and shade-toler...
Summary of observed regression slopes of seedling survival on adult tree abundance or seedling densi...
Data used to analyze post-disturbance biomass accumulation in global secondary forests: needle-leaf ...
A figure showing relationships between the magnitude of specific-leaf-area change from 2010 to 2011 ...
Figures showing proportion of (Fig. A1) dry and (Fig. A2) moist conifer forest available to treat an...
Time-averaged population matrices and corresponding population growth rates λ for seven Primula elat...
Temporal trends for simulated species-rich and species-poor communities from one of the thousand gen...
Estimated changes in habitat availability for each specie under revegetation schedules derived from ...
A table showing SIMPER vegetation results for habitat categories and grazing treatments 6 and 19 mon...
Tables and figures describing the results of our field study investigating rodent predation on seeds...
A table showing annual species population density during the first five years after fire in chaparra...
Figures showing relative abundance distributions for species contributing to community-level analysi...
Tables reporting changes in foliar biomass and calcium content of selected understory species and su...
A table showing annualized changes in density and mortality rates of common tree species in four 1-h...
Summary of observed regression slopes of seedling survival on adult tree abundance or seedling densi...
A figure showing relative abundance (proportion of total) of Pseudotsuga, hardwoods, and shade-toler...
Summary of observed regression slopes of seedling survival on adult tree abundance or seedling densi...
Data used to analyze post-disturbance biomass accumulation in global secondary forests: needle-leaf ...
A figure showing relationships between the magnitude of specific-leaf-area change from 2010 to 2011 ...
Figures showing proportion of (Fig. A1) dry and (Fig. A2) moist conifer forest available to treat an...
Time-averaged population matrices and corresponding population growth rates λ for seven Primula elat...
Temporal trends for simulated species-rich and species-poor communities from one of the thousand gen...
Estimated changes in habitat availability for each specie under revegetation schedules derived from ...
A table showing SIMPER vegetation results for habitat categories and grazing treatments 6 and 19 mon...
Tables and figures describing the results of our field study investigating rodent predation on seeds...
A table showing annual species population density during the first five years after fire in chaparra...
Figures showing relative abundance distributions for species contributing to community-level analysi...
Tables reporting changes in foliar biomass and calcium content of selected understory species and su...