Summary assessments of productivity–plant species richness relationships included in Mittelbach et al. (2001)
Statistical analyses for cover, biomass, richness, diversity, evenness, herbivore abundance, and her...
Linking size structure, complex trophic interactions, and ecosystem productivity
A table showing coefficients of determination (R²) from linear regressions of phylogenetic diversity...
A list of species accounting for 80% of the maximum standing biomass of the different fields
A table providing the 163 published studies of the plant productivity–diversity relationship (includ...
Aboveground net primary productivity for each species within each shrub community and their correspo...
Relationship between the number of pollinator groups and the natural log of the number of grid cells...
Additional figures showing gross primary productivity and net biodiversity effect
A table of mean species abundances (no. individuals/mL) in each of the 18 treatments in this study
A table showing the performance of each plant species in each of the species richness treatments
Descriptive summaries of the data sets included in our analyses, including source information and re...
Figures showing mean species richness as a function of time span and area for each data set
A table showing correlation coefficients of herbaceous-plant species total cover with ordination axi...
Relative frequencies distributions of species richness–altitude SRA relationships observed in differ...
Tables showing the number and proportion of species captured on roofs and the ground and the results...
Statistical analyses for cover, biomass, richness, diversity, evenness, herbivore abundance, and her...
Linking size structure, complex trophic interactions, and ecosystem productivity
A table showing coefficients of determination (R²) from linear regressions of phylogenetic diversity...
A list of species accounting for 80% of the maximum standing biomass of the different fields
A table providing the 163 published studies of the plant productivity–diversity relationship (includ...
Aboveground net primary productivity for each species within each shrub community and their correspo...
Relationship between the number of pollinator groups and the natural log of the number of grid cells...
Additional figures showing gross primary productivity and net biodiversity effect
A table of mean species abundances (no. individuals/mL) in each of the 18 treatments in this study
A table showing the performance of each plant species in each of the species richness treatments
Descriptive summaries of the data sets included in our analyses, including source information and re...
Figures showing mean species richness as a function of time span and area for each data set
A table showing correlation coefficients of herbaceous-plant species total cover with ordination axi...
Relative frequencies distributions of species richness–altitude SRA relationships observed in differ...
Tables showing the number and proportion of species captured on roofs and the ground and the results...
Statistical analyses for cover, biomass, richness, diversity, evenness, herbivore abundance, and her...
Linking size structure, complex trophic interactions, and ecosystem productivity
A table showing coefficients of determination (R²) from linear regressions of phylogenetic diversity...