A table showing correlation coefficients of herbaceous-plant species total cover with ordination axis and the number of plots within which each was found
A figure showing the observed distribution of surrounding focal plants at four scales
Relationship between the number of pollinator groups and the natural log of the number of grid cells...
Correlations among plant richness, plant biomass, and soil edaphic characteristics
A table showing cover for the different plant species, total vegetation cover, and total number of p...
Species correlations with principal components analysis axes constructed from monitoring transect pl...
A table showing assignment of all plant species growing in the 14 grassland sites to plant functiona...
A table of the characteristics of sown species, their occurrence, and percent cover in unsown and so...
A table showing the performance of each plant species in each of the species richness treatments
A table showing correlations between selected environmental variables and (a) Centaurea percent cove...
A table and figure portraying scientific effort made in surveying, processing, and identifying plant...
A table with abundance, size, dispersal, and growth-form data, along with summary spatial statistics...
Data tables describing understory tree height class distributions and mean cover of herb-layer speci...
A table summarizing arthropod abundance from flower species and planting treatments for each taxa co...
Supplementary tables, including correlations, means, and standard deviations of soil variables and p...
A table of mean species abundances (no. individuals/mL) in each of the 18 treatments in this study
A figure showing the observed distribution of surrounding focal plants at four scales
Relationship between the number of pollinator groups and the natural log of the number of grid cells...
Correlations among plant richness, plant biomass, and soil edaphic characteristics
A table showing cover for the different plant species, total vegetation cover, and total number of p...
Species correlations with principal components analysis axes constructed from monitoring transect pl...
A table showing assignment of all plant species growing in the 14 grassland sites to plant functiona...
A table of the characteristics of sown species, their occurrence, and percent cover in unsown and so...
A table showing the performance of each plant species in each of the species richness treatments
A table showing correlations between selected environmental variables and (a) Centaurea percent cove...
A table and figure portraying scientific effort made in surveying, processing, and identifying plant...
A table with abundance, size, dispersal, and growth-form data, along with summary spatial statistics...
Data tables describing understory tree height class distributions and mean cover of herb-layer speci...
A table summarizing arthropod abundance from flower species and planting treatments for each taxa co...
Supplementary tables, including correlations, means, and standard deviations of soil variables and p...
A table of mean species abundances (no. individuals/mL) in each of the 18 treatments in this study
A figure showing the observed distribution of surrounding focal plants at four scales
Relationship between the number of pollinator groups and the natural log of the number of grid cells...
Correlations among plant richness, plant biomass, and soil edaphic characteristics