Species correlations with principal components analysis axes constructed from monitoring transect plant cover data
Figures showing mean species richness as a function of time span and area for each data set
Correlations among plant richness, plant biomass, and soil edaphic characteristics
A table showing principal components factor loadings for the sum of the canopy tree (dbh > 10 cm) ba...
A table showing correlation coefficients of herbaceous-plant species total cover with ordination axi...
Pearson correlations between leaf traits across all species within growth forms, and species from di...
A correlation matrix with the three variables used in the principal-components analysis: relative hu...
Factor loadings of principal components analysis for mid-successional plant species grown in soil wi...
A table showing correlations between selected environmental variables and (a) Centaurea percent cove...
Detailed results from logistic regressions and phenological analyses, by site and species
Indicator species for each vegetation type identified by cluster analysis of vegetation plots
A table presenting ANCOVA results that relate the changes in cover of dominant plant species/functio...
Summary of covariance components for the random effects of site and species on leaf trait relationsh...
Statistical analyses for cover, biomass, richness, diversity, evenness, herbivore abundance, and her...
Analysis of covariance of log10-transformed angiosperm species richness with region as main effect a...
Data tables describing understory tree height class distributions and mean cover of herb-layer speci...
Figures showing mean species richness as a function of time span and area for each data set
Correlations among plant richness, plant biomass, and soil edaphic characteristics
A table showing principal components factor loadings for the sum of the canopy tree (dbh > 10 cm) ba...
A table showing correlation coefficients of herbaceous-plant species total cover with ordination axi...
Pearson correlations between leaf traits across all species within growth forms, and species from di...
A correlation matrix with the three variables used in the principal-components analysis: relative hu...
Factor loadings of principal components analysis for mid-successional plant species grown in soil wi...
A table showing correlations between selected environmental variables and (a) Centaurea percent cove...
Detailed results from logistic regressions and phenological analyses, by site and species
Indicator species for each vegetation type identified by cluster analysis of vegetation plots
A table presenting ANCOVA results that relate the changes in cover of dominant plant species/functio...
Summary of covariance components for the random effects of site and species on leaf trait relationsh...
Statistical analyses for cover, biomass, richness, diversity, evenness, herbivore abundance, and her...
Analysis of covariance of log10-transformed angiosperm species richness with region as main effect a...
Data tables describing understory tree height class distributions and mean cover of herb-layer speci...
Figures showing mean species richness as a function of time span and area for each data set
Correlations among plant richness, plant biomass, and soil edaphic characteristics
A table showing principal components factor loadings for the sum of the canopy tree (dbh > 10 cm) ba...