A figure showing larval mortality from C. concinnata, C. laxifrons, and unknown causes plotted vs. the number of winter webs deployed per bush in 2000
Tables showing regression analyses of insect biomass in relation to date during the laying and nestl...
Akaike weights and probability estimates of the minimum adequate models simplified from (a) abundanc...
Analysis of the factors affecting disease mortality rates of grasshopper hosts using generalized lin...
A description of the calculation of mortality and a table showing percentage parasitism based on the...
Daily nematode mortality rates in lupine and grassland rhizospheres, watered and ambient conditions,...
Additional data regarding juvenile mortality and hatching rates from the various time periods from w...
Relationship between the per capita parasitism rate of each leaf miner species and parasitoid richne...
Predicting population-level larval survivorship from within-fruit density dependence
The relationship between fledge date of independent juvenile Western Slaty-antshrikes and monthly su...
Survival to pupation of L. sinapis and L. reali larvae reared in different temperatures on different...
Total numbers of E- and Z-race moths trapped, the number of trap locations monitored, and the durati...
A figure showing showing how food availability declined in response to the insecticide treatment is ...
A figure showing mean (±SE) percentage leaf damage on invasive and native populations of Brassica ni...
The impact of species affiliation, larval host plant (Lathyrus linifolius/Lathyrus pratensis), tempe...
Contrast between live and dead larval nematode parasites in Cephalopholis urodeta
Tables showing regression analyses of insect biomass in relation to date during the laying and nestl...
Akaike weights and probability estimates of the minimum adequate models simplified from (a) abundanc...
Analysis of the factors affecting disease mortality rates of grasshopper hosts using generalized lin...
A description of the calculation of mortality and a table showing percentage parasitism based on the...
Daily nematode mortality rates in lupine and grassland rhizospheres, watered and ambient conditions,...
Additional data regarding juvenile mortality and hatching rates from the various time periods from w...
Relationship between the per capita parasitism rate of each leaf miner species and parasitoid richne...
Predicting population-level larval survivorship from within-fruit density dependence
The relationship between fledge date of independent juvenile Western Slaty-antshrikes and monthly su...
Survival to pupation of L. sinapis and L. reali larvae reared in different temperatures on different...
Total numbers of E- and Z-race moths trapped, the number of trap locations monitored, and the durati...
A figure showing showing how food availability declined in response to the insecticide treatment is ...
A figure showing mean (±SE) percentage leaf damage on invasive and native populations of Brassica ni...
The impact of species affiliation, larval host plant (Lathyrus linifolius/Lathyrus pratensis), tempe...
Contrast between live and dead larval nematode parasites in Cephalopholis urodeta
Tables showing regression analyses of insect biomass in relation to date during the laying and nestl...
Akaike weights and probability estimates of the minimum adequate models simplified from (a) abundanc...
Analysis of the factors affecting disease mortality rates of grasshopper hosts using generalized lin...