Contrast between live and dead larval nematode parasites in Cephalopholis urodeta
Collection localities, site IDs (corresponding to Fig. 2), number of snails dissected, parasite prev...
A table listing the cladoceran species present in each of the 13 investigated regions
Investigating differences in predation of Leptinotarsa decemlineata (CPB) egg predation between pota...
Parasites of unknown/unspecified origin that are shared between native and nonindigenous hosts
Analysis and discussion of relationships between prevalence of Ilyanassa obsoleta trematodes that ma...
A figure showing larval mortality from C. concinnata, C. laxifrons, and unknown causes plotted vs. t...
FIGURE 102. *Pharurus pallasii (Van Beneden, 1870) Arnold & Gaskin, 1975. A. 1st-stage larva, latera...
This publication does not have an abstract. The first paragraph of this chapter is displayed as the ...
Survival to pupation of L. sinapis and L. reali larvae reared in different temperatures on different...
Oribatid mite species present in this study and their species scores from nMDS analysis
FIGURE 14. Photomicrographs of Hammerschmidtiella diesingi (Hammerschmidt, 1838) Chitwood, 1932:A—Fe...
Daily nematode mortality rates in lupine and grassland rhizospheres, watered and ambient conditions,...
The impact of species affiliation, larval host plant (Lathyrus linifolius/Lathyrus pratensis), tempe...
A table showing raw means for (A) Psylliodes affinis adult and (B) Plagiometriona clavata egg abunda...
A summary of invertebrate taxa of different size categories collected at all sites
Collection localities, site IDs (corresponding to Fig. 2), number of snails dissected, parasite prev...
A table listing the cladoceran species present in each of the 13 investigated regions
Investigating differences in predation of Leptinotarsa decemlineata (CPB) egg predation between pota...
Parasites of unknown/unspecified origin that are shared between native and nonindigenous hosts
Analysis and discussion of relationships between prevalence of Ilyanassa obsoleta trematodes that ma...
A figure showing larval mortality from C. concinnata, C. laxifrons, and unknown causes plotted vs. t...
FIGURE 102. *Pharurus pallasii (Van Beneden, 1870) Arnold & Gaskin, 1975. A. 1st-stage larva, latera...
This publication does not have an abstract. The first paragraph of this chapter is displayed as the ...
Survival to pupation of L. sinapis and L. reali larvae reared in different temperatures on different...
Oribatid mite species present in this study and their species scores from nMDS analysis
FIGURE 14. Photomicrographs of Hammerschmidtiella diesingi (Hammerschmidt, 1838) Chitwood, 1932:A—Fe...
Daily nematode mortality rates in lupine and grassland rhizospheres, watered and ambient conditions,...
The impact of species affiliation, larval host plant (Lathyrus linifolius/Lathyrus pratensis), tempe...
A table showing raw means for (A) Psylliodes affinis adult and (B) Plagiometriona clavata egg abunda...
A summary of invertebrate taxa of different size categories collected at all sites
Collection localities, site IDs (corresponding to Fig. 2), number of snails dissected, parasite prev...
A table listing the cladoceran species present in each of the 13 investigated regions
Investigating differences in predation of Leptinotarsa decemlineata (CPB) egg predation between pota...