Yearly frequency distributions of annual fecundity (number of inflorescences produced each year) of simulated plants over a 23-year period
Flowering and climatic data for the Corallorhiza odontorhiza study plot during the years 1994–2007
Relationship of annual survival and recruitment to population size and genetic treatment
Tables showing plant species planted by site and posterior probability summaries for explanatory var...
Results of the two-way ANOVAs (fixed factors: site pair and month) for the mean number of flowers pe...
Mean flower density of visited forage plants per m2 from transects in each year, along with the rang...
Mean frequency and cover of plant species observed in the three experimental treatments in 2004 (pre...
Mean flower production across the growing season for cohorts of Campanulastrum americanum that initi...
Abundance (number per square meter), biomass (mg AFDM per square meter), and production (mg AFDM per...
Supporting figures displaying examples of species’ weekly frequency of occurrence and weekly steward...
Tables showing geographic and climatic data for common gardens, sample seed weight and associated co...
A table and a figure showing the relationship between bee visitation per plant per season and two me...
Results of within- and between-year blocked repeated-measures ANOVAs (fixed factor is treatment [rem...
Effects of population on the probability of flowering of adults in 2006, 2007, and 2008
Germination rates (percentage) for North American and European populations of Centaurea maculosa
Data on annual population size, index of reproduction quality and harvest of Chen caerulescens atlan...
Flowering and climatic data for the Corallorhiza odontorhiza study plot during the years 1994–2007
Relationship of annual survival and recruitment to population size and genetic treatment
Tables showing plant species planted by site and posterior probability summaries for explanatory var...
Results of the two-way ANOVAs (fixed factors: site pair and month) for the mean number of flowers pe...
Mean flower density of visited forage plants per m2 from transects in each year, along with the rang...
Mean frequency and cover of plant species observed in the three experimental treatments in 2004 (pre...
Mean flower production across the growing season for cohorts of Campanulastrum americanum that initi...
Abundance (number per square meter), biomass (mg AFDM per square meter), and production (mg AFDM per...
Supporting figures displaying examples of species’ weekly frequency of occurrence and weekly steward...
Tables showing geographic and climatic data for common gardens, sample seed weight and associated co...
A table and a figure showing the relationship between bee visitation per plant per season and two me...
Results of within- and between-year blocked repeated-measures ANOVAs (fixed factor is treatment [rem...
Effects of population on the probability of flowering of adults in 2006, 2007, and 2008
Germination rates (percentage) for North American and European populations of Centaurea maculosa
Data on annual population size, index of reproduction quality and harvest of Chen caerulescens atlan...
Flowering and climatic data for the Corallorhiza odontorhiza study plot during the years 1994–2007
Relationship of annual survival and recruitment to population size and genetic treatment
Tables showing plant species planted by site and posterior probability summaries for explanatory var...