Germination rates (percentage) for North American and European populations of Centaurea maculosa
Yearly frequency distributions of annual fecundity (number of inflorescences produced each year) of ...
Figures showing responses of Centaurea solstitialis establishment and height to environmental change...
Population growth rate ()and damping ratios ()for Montastraea annularis at 9-m depth in St. John, U....
Relative growth rate (means ± SE) of European and North American generalist herbivores fed European ...
Data on annual population size, index of reproduction quality and harvest of Chen caerulescens atlan...
Percentages of mycorrhizal species colonizing roots of seedlings from the field and greenhouse exper...
Whitebark pine germination and survival summary by population × site and seed treatment
Seed set for each individual capitula and populations list for the three Centaurea species studied: ...
Biomass (g) and root to shoot ratios of Centaurea solstitialis plants originating from North America...
Percentage of total number of seeds collected represented by each of the families and genera found i...
Mean flower production across the growing season for cohorts of Campanulastrum americanum that initi...
Seedling survival curves for each species at each site in protected and unprotected gardens
A figure showing the flowering phenology of the study population of Aquilegia canadensis
Tables showing rates of cumulative emergence, establishment, and mortality for seed addition plots b...
A table showing correlations between physical, productivity (biomass), and disturbance variables and...
Yearly frequency distributions of annual fecundity (number of inflorescences produced each year) of ...
Figures showing responses of Centaurea solstitialis establishment and height to environmental change...
Population growth rate ()and damping ratios ()for Montastraea annularis at 9-m depth in St. John, U....
Relative growth rate (means ± SE) of European and North American generalist herbivores fed European ...
Data on annual population size, index of reproduction quality and harvest of Chen caerulescens atlan...
Percentages of mycorrhizal species colonizing roots of seedlings from the field and greenhouse exper...
Whitebark pine germination and survival summary by population × site and seed treatment
Seed set for each individual capitula and populations list for the three Centaurea species studied: ...
Biomass (g) and root to shoot ratios of Centaurea solstitialis plants originating from North America...
Percentage of total number of seeds collected represented by each of the families and genera found i...
Mean flower production across the growing season for cohorts of Campanulastrum americanum that initi...
Seedling survival curves for each species at each site in protected and unprotected gardens
A figure showing the flowering phenology of the study population of Aquilegia canadensis
Tables showing rates of cumulative emergence, establishment, and mortality for seed addition plots b...
A table showing correlations between physical, productivity (biomass), and disturbance variables and...
Yearly frequency distributions of annual fecundity (number of inflorescences produced each year) of ...
Figures showing responses of Centaurea solstitialis establishment and height to environmental change...
Population growth rate ()and damping ratios ()for Montastraea annularis at 9-m depth in St. John, U....