Site locations and brief management details and Carabid beetle present in the study with their traits used in the analysis
Supplemental tables including a list of focal species used for thermal tolerance experiments and res...
Supplementary photo of the study species and additional distribution information
Paper citations for studies included in literature review: Dung beetle diet preference studies, dung...
Detailed description of the carabid beetles, land snails, and trade-offs in previous studies
Sampling and laboratory methods, biology of Carcinus maenas, and characteristics of the study site
Traits and phylogenetic position for each ground beetle individual used in a feeding experiment cond...
Appendix S1: Compendium of all German beetle species used in this study including information on the...
Site-level information on spruce beetle activity for sites on the Alaska Peninsula
A table presenting species, their geographic locations, and studies used in the database
The effect of community manipulation and site on dung beetle community attributes
Summary table of the number and percentage of established beetle species by interception frequency
Detailed information about the study sites (locations, crayfish densities, environmental conditions,...
Description of the criteria for the selection of pests, including names and information sources
Details of study site, experimental setup, statistical methods, and supplementary results, including...
A summary of invertebrate taxa of different size categories collected at all sites
Supplemental tables including a list of focal species used for thermal tolerance experiments and res...
Supplementary photo of the study species and additional distribution information
Paper citations for studies included in literature review: Dung beetle diet preference studies, dung...
Detailed description of the carabid beetles, land snails, and trade-offs in previous studies
Sampling and laboratory methods, biology of Carcinus maenas, and characteristics of the study site
Traits and phylogenetic position for each ground beetle individual used in a feeding experiment cond...
Appendix S1: Compendium of all German beetle species used in this study including information on the...
Site-level information on spruce beetle activity for sites on the Alaska Peninsula
A table presenting species, their geographic locations, and studies used in the database
The effect of community manipulation and site on dung beetle community attributes
Summary table of the number and percentage of established beetle species by interception frequency
Detailed information about the study sites (locations, crayfish densities, environmental conditions,...
Description of the criteria for the selection of pests, including names and information sources
Details of study site, experimental setup, statistical methods, and supplementary results, including...
A summary of invertebrate taxa of different size categories collected at all sites
Supplemental tables including a list of focal species used for thermal tolerance experiments and res...
Supplementary photo of the study species and additional distribution information
Paper citations for studies included in literature review: Dung beetle diet preference studies, dung...