Summary table of the number and percentage of established beetle species by interception frequency
Mean numbers of passerine individuals detected per site at Removal and Control sites
A table showing the standardized abundance of Coleopteran families encountered at six sites in the C...
A table showing damage causal agents and host type conversions for bark beetle–host species combinat...
A table summarizing arthropod abundance from flower species and planting treatments for each taxa co...
Relationship between the per capita parasitism rate of each leaf miner species and parasitoid richne...
A table of the weekly counts of House Finches, estimated encounter probabilities, estimated prevalen...
A table showing variance components and treatment effects for plants attacked by tortoise beetles
A table of the characteristics of sown species, their occurrence, and percent cover in unsown and so...
Detailed description of the carabid beetles, land snails, and trade-offs in previous studies
Arthropod abundance categorized by functional group for flower species and levels of plant diversity
Detailed description of the methods used to quantify the dominance index and multivariate arthropod ...
A summary of invertebrate taxa of different size categories collected at all sites
Appendix S1: Compendium of all German beetle species used in this study including information on the...
Description of the criteria for the selection of pests, including names and information sources
Three figures detailing experimental methods and two tables detailing invertebrate functional group,...
Mean numbers of passerine individuals detected per site at Removal and Control sites
A table showing the standardized abundance of Coleopteran families encountered at six sites in the C...
A table showing damage causal agents and host type conversions for bark beetle–host species combinat...
A table summarizing arthropod abundance from flower species and planting treatments for each taxa co...
Relationship between the per capita parasitism rate of each leaf miner species and parasitoid richne...
A table of the weekly counts of House Finches, estimated encounter probabilities, estimated prevalen...
A table showing variance components and treatment effects for plants attacked by tortoise beetles
A table of the characteristics of sown species, their occurrence, and percent cover in unsown and so...
Detailed description of the carabid beetles, land snails, and trade-offs in previous studies
Arthropod abundance categorized by functional group for flower species and levels of plant diversity
Detailed description of the methods used to quantify the dominance index and multivariate arthropod ...
A summary of invertebrate taxa of different size categories collected at all sites
Appendix S1: Compendium of all German beetle species used in this study including information on the...
Description of the criteria for the selection of pests, including names and information sources
Three figures detailing experimental methods and two tables detailing invertebrate functional group,...
Mean numbers of passerine individuals detected per site at Removal and Control sites
A table showing the standardized abundance of Coleopteran families encountered at six sites in the C...
A table showing damage causal agents and host type conversions for bark beetle–host species combinat...