Plot of data and fitted estimates of site-specific abundance for goliath grouper and mutton snapper
Statistical tables describing relationships among species from 20 field sites in the Galápagos
Supporting figures displaying examples of species’ weekly frequency of occurrence and weekly steward...
A table showing the species-specific mass, metabolic mass, and feeding group of all animals that wer...
Descriptive summaries of the data sets included in our analyses, including source information and re...
A table with abundance, size, dispersal, and growth-form data, along with summary spatial statistics...
Generalized linear models of cumulative site-scale species richness as a function of treatment, inso...
A table showing mean mass and caloric density of prey species found in stomachs of birds shot at Roc...
A list of species of eastern Plethodon used in this study including guild assignment, number of site...
A table of all specific prey δ15N values used to generate regional estimates of mean prey δ15N value...
Size frequency histograms of snapper for surveys conducted at each site across the fragmentation gra...
Shifts in relative abundance for Patton 1994 data with adjustment factors at the site level used to ...
A table with results of similarity percentage (SIMPER) analyses showing major species characterizing...
Details of study site, experimental setup, statistical methods, and supplementary results, including...
Figures showing ground-cover species richness at the plot, sub-plot, and quadrat scales for treatmen...
A description of field methods used to quantify prey abundance, prey biomass, and length to wet mass...
Statistical tables describing relationships among species from 20 field sites in the Galápagos
Supporting figures displaying examples of species’ weekly frequency of occurrence and weekly steward...
A table showing the species-specific mass, metabolic mass, and feeding group of all animals that wer...
Descriptive summaries of the data sets included in our analyses, including source information and re...
A table with abundance, size, dispersal, and growth-form data, along with summary spatial statistics...
Generalized linear models of cumulative site-scale species richness as a function of treatment, inso...
A table showing mean mass and caloric density of prey species found in stomachs of birds shot at Roc...
A list of species of eastern Plethodon used in this study including guild assignment, number of site...
A table of all specific prey δ15N values used to generate regional estimates of mean prey δ15N value...
Size frequency histograms of snapper for surveys conducted at each site across the fragmentation gra...
Shifts in relative abundance for Patton 1994 data with adjustment factors at the site level used to ...
A table with results of similarity percentage (SIMPER) analyses showing major species characterizing...
Details of study site, experimental setup, statistical methods, and supplementary results, including...
Figures showing ground-cover species richness at the plot, sub-plot, and quadrat scales for treatmen...
A description of field methods used to quantify prey abundance, prey biomass, and length to wet mass...
Statistical tables describing relationships among species from 20 field sites in the Galápagos
Supporting figures displaying examples of species’ weekly frequency of occurrence and weekly steward...
A table showing the species-specific mass, metabolic mass, and feeding group of all animals that wer...