A description of field methods used to quantify prey abundance, prey biomass, and length to wet mass of Heliaster helianthus
Description of the methodology used to estimate the proportion of viable seeds consumed per fruit by...
Three figures detailing experimental methods and two tables detailing invertebrate functional group,...
Methods and statistical analysis of mass-specific nutrient concentrations and nutrient ratios of mat...
Tables showing prey items consumed by Heliaster helianthus in central Chile and statistics from LOWE...
Figuresand tables showing the absolute biomass of organisms, the effect of latitudinal location, the...
Methods used for environmental measurements made during the field experiment and a description of th...
Methods for field surveys of aquatic species including target host amphibians, alternatives, alterna...
Zooplankton analysis: detailed methods, model selection results, and standing stock biomass figure
Seasonal temperatures, survey frequency, prey counts and accumulation curves, species abundances, an...
A table showing arthropod taxa sampled during the field experiment and their diet breadth, mobility,...
A list of species accounting for 80% of the maximum standing biomass of the different fields
Additional information regarding methods used to calculate measures of water flow regulation and tre...
Methods and calculations associated with comparing water supply (via greenfall) and population deman...
Statistical analyses for cover, biomass, richness, diversity, evenness, herbivore abundance, and her...
Units of each predator species included in single and multiple species treatments at low, medium, an...
Description of the methodology used to estimate the proportion of viable seeds consumed per fruit by...
Three figures detailing experimental methods and two tables detailing invertebrate functional group,...
Methods and statistical analysis of mass-specific nutrient concentrations and nutrient ratios of mat...
Tables showing prey items consumed by Heliaster helianthus in central Chile and statistics from LOWE...
Figuresand tables showing the absolute biomass of organisms, the effect of latitudinal location, the...
Methods used for environmental measurements made during the field experiment and a description of th...
Methods for field surveys of aquatic species including target host amphibians, alternatives, alterna...
Zooplankton analysis: detailed methods, model selection results, and standing stock biomass figure
Seasonal temperatures, survey frequency, prey counts and accumulation curves, species abundances, an...
A table showing arthropod taxa sampled during the field experiment and their diet breadth, mobility,...
A list of species accounting for 80% of the maximum standing biomass of the different fields
Additional information regarding methods used to calculate measures of water flow regulation and tre...
Methods and calculations associated with comparing water supply (via greenfall) and population deman...
Statistical analyses for cover, biomass, richness, diversity, evenness, herbivore abundance, and her...
Units of each predator species included in single and multiple species treatments at low, medium, an...
Description of the methodology used to estimate the proportion of viable seeds consumed per fruit by...
Three figures detailing experimental methods and two tables detailing invertebrate functional group,...
Methods and statistical analysis of mass-specific nutrient concentrations and nutrient ratios of mat...