<p>(A) Subsections of the hippocampus are shown. Top left, BMAL1; top right, PER2; bottom left, Substance P (SubP); bottom right Enkephalin (Enk). Scale bar: 500 μm. (B) PER2 (green) and Enk (red) imaged in the dentate gyrus (DG) of the hippocampus. (C) PER2 or BMAL1 (green) and Enk or SubP (red) in regions CA1, CA2, CA3 and the dentate gyrus. Arrows point to cells labelled with both proteins. Scale bar: 50 μm.</p
<p>In A can be seen: the granule cell layer of <i>fascia dentata</i> (GCL, composed by granular neur...
<p>Representative MosaiX montage images that covers all the CA3 and part (after trimming) of the CA1...
<p>Proteins (7) with higher levels in the Right Hippocampus (RH) compared to those in the Left Hippo...
<p>(A) Low magnification images of the sampling regions from the central nucleus of the amygdala (CE...
<p>(A) Each combination of antibodies analyzed are shown, sampled from the lateral dorsal striatum (...
<p>Label for GKAP (A) is closely associated with the dense material at the core of the PSD complex (...
<p>Proteins (7) with higher levels in the Right Hippocampus (RH) compared to those in the Left Hippo...
30, sintaxin 1A; 45, β-synuclein; 56, α-synuclein (for complete list see table 1).<p><b>Copyright in...
An analysis of the distribution of substance P immunoreactive nerve cell bodies and fibres is given ...
In the current investigation, we aimed to characterize the differential protein expression in each o...
<p>The antibody specificities are indicated above. Additional filamentous-actin label is shown in th...
Summary: The hippocampal formation is a brain structure essential for higher-order cognitive functio...
<p>Proteins (24) with higher levels in the Left Hippocampus (LH) compared to those in the Right Hipp...
<p>Red: CA (CA1-CA3); Blue: DG (fascia dentate and CA4); Green: SUB (prosubiculum, subiculum proper,...
<p>Representative images of hippocampal neurons immunolabeled with anti-a-syn, anta-synapsin I and a...
<p>In A can be seen: the granule cell layer of <i>fascia dentata</i> (GCL, composed by granular neur...
<p>Representative MosaiX montage images that covers all the CA3 and part (after trimming) of the CA1...
<p>Proteins (7) with higher levels in the Right Hippocampus (RH) compared to those in the Left Hippo...
<p>(A) Low magnification images of the sampling regions from the central nucleus of the amygdala (CE...
<p>(A) Each combination of antibodies analyzed are shown, sampled from the lateral dorsal striatum (...
<p>Label for GKAP (A) is closely associated with the dense material at the core of the PSD complex (...
<p>Proteins (7) with higher levels in the Right Hippocampus (RH) compared to those in the Left Hippo...
30, sintaxin 1A; 45, β-synuclein; 56, α-synuclein (for complete list see table 1).<p><b>Copyright in...
An analysis of the distribution of substance P immunoreactive nerve cell bodies and fibres is given ...
In the current investigation, we aimed to characterize the differential protein expression in each o...
<p>The antibody specificities are indicated above. Additional filamentous-actin label is shown in th...
Summary: The hippocampal formation is a brain structure essential for higher-order cognitive functio...
<p>Proteins (24) with higher levels in the Left Hippocampus (LH) compared to those in the Right Hipp...
<p>Red: CA (CA1-CA3); Blue: DG (fascia dentate and CA4); Green: SUB (prosubiculum, subiculum proper,...
<p>Representative images of hippocampal neurons immunolabeled with anti-a-syn, anta-synapsin I and a...
<p>In A can be seen: the granule cell layer of <i>fascia dentata</i> (GCL, composed by granular neur...
<p>Representative MosaiX montage images that covers all the CA3 and part (after trimming) of the CA1...
<p>Proteins (7) with higher levels in the Right Hippocampus (RH) compared to those in the Left Hippo...