BACKGROUND: Epidemiological evidence on the association between ambient air pollution and breast cancer risk is inconsistent. OBJECTIVE: We examined the association between long-term exposure to ambient air pollution and incidence of postmenopausal breast cancer in European women. METHODS: In 15 cohorts from nine European countries, individual estimates of air pollution levels at the residence were estimated by standardized land-use regression models developed within the European Study of Cohorts for Air Pollution Effects (ESCAPE) and Transport related Air Pollution and Health impacts - Integrated Methodologies for Assessing Particulate Matter (TRANSPHORM) projects: particulate matter (PM) â¤2:5 μm, â¤10 μm, and 2:5â10 μm in diameter (PM...
Background: There is only scant evidence that air pollution increases the risk of breast cancer. Obj...
Background: Air pollution has been classified as a human carcinogen based largely on epidemiological...
BackgroundThere is increasing concern that environmental exposures, such as air pollution, may be re...
BACKGROUND: Epidemiological evidence on the association between ambient air pollution and breast can...
Epidemiological evidence on the association between ambient air pollution and breast cancer risk is ...
Epidemiological evidence on the association between ambient air pollution and breast cancer risk is ...
BACKGROUND: Epidemiological evidence on the association between ambient air pollution and breast can...
Background: Epidemiological evidence on the association between ambient air pollution and breast can...
BACKGROUND: Established risk factors for breast cancer include genetic disposition, reproductive fac...
BACKGROUND: Established risk factors for breast cancer include genetic disposition, reproductive fac...
BACKGROUND: Established risk factors for breast cancer include genetic disposition, reproductive fac...
Background: Epidemiological evidence on the association between ambient air pollution and brain tumo...
Background The association between air pollution and green spaces with breast cancer risk stratified...
BACKGROUND/AIM: Ambient air pollution has been associated with lung cancer, but the shape of the exp...
BACKGROUND/AIM: Ambient air pollution has been associated with lung cancer, but the shape of the exp...
Background: There is only scant evidence that air pollution increases the risk of breast cancer. Obj...
Background: Air pollution has been classified as a human carcinogen based largely on epidemiological...
BackgroundThere is increasing concern that environmental exposures, such as air pollution, may be re...
BACKGROUND: Epidemiological evidence on the association between ambient air pollution and breast can...
Epidemiological evidence on the association between ambient air pollution and breast cancer risk is ...
Epidemiological evidence on the association between ambient air pollution and breast cancer risk is ...
BACKGROUND: Epidemiological evidence on the association between ambient air pollution and breast can...
Background: Epidemiological evidence on the association between ambient air pollution and breast can...
BACKGROUND: Established risk factors for breast cancer include genetic disposition, reproductive fac...
BACKGROUND: Established risk factors for breast cancer include genetic disposition, reproductive fac...
BACKGROUND: Established risk factors for breast cancer include genetic disposition, reproductive fac...
Background: Epidemiological evidence on the association between ambient air pollution and brain tumo...
Background The association between air pollution and green spaces with breast cancer risk stratified...
BACKGROUND/AIM: Ambient air pollution has been associated with lung cancer, but the shape of the exp...
BACKGROUND/AIM: Ambient air pollution has been associated with lung cancer, but the shape of the exp...
Background: There is only scant evidence that air pollution increases the risk of breast cancer. Obj...
Background: Air pollution has been classified as a human carcinogen based largely on epidemiological...
BackgroundThere is increasing concern that environmental exposures, such as air pollution, may be re...