Net asset value (NAV) is commonly used to represent the value of a property company. For listed property companies a secondary valuation occurs simultaneously as the company’s stocks are traded on the stock market. Historically, a deviation between the NAV and the market capitalisation has been found for property companies implying that the stock market values the company differently. This thesis examines the deviation to NAV for 14 Swedish listed property companies during 2006-2015. The examination explains the deviation from the basis of a rational and an irrational approach. The thesis investigates empirically which factors that have affected the deviation by the use of a panel data regression analysis. The rational approach investigates...
The current method for house valuations in mortgage portfolio models corresponds to applying a resid...
IAS 40 allows two methods of valuation for investment properties, fair value model and cost model....
En förvaltningsfastighet har i syfte att generera hyresinkomster eller en värdestegring. År 2005 imp...
Net asset value (NAV) is commonly used to represent the value of a property company. For listed prop...
Listed property companies trading at a discount or premium to their Net Asset Value (NAV) is a widel...
The NAV puzzle phenomenon refers to the differentiation of companies’ or funds’ net asset value and ...
There have been previous studies aimed at finding out what factors influence whether a company's sha...
The efficient market hypothesis states that the price of an asset should be equal to its fundamental...
A discount to the net asset value of Swedish investment companies is something that have existed for...
The discount to net asset value for investment companies has puzzled both the world of academics as ...
Property management companies on the Swedish stock market have long been very profitable and represe...
Nya arbetssätt har vuxit fram till följd av en osäker tid, vilket skapat möjligheter, men också tvin...
Nav discount is a current topic in the financial world. The researchers in the American market have ...
Background According to the Swedish Statistics Central Office (SCB) there were 2 064 000 detached ho...
The real estate sector is a capital-intensive industry, where the combination of debt and equity is ...
The current method for house valuations in mortgage portfolio models corresponds to applying a resid...
IAS 40 allows two methods of valuation for investment properties, fair value model and cost model....
En förvaltningsfastighet har i syfte att generera hyresinkomster eller en värdestegring. År 2005 imp...
Net asset value (NAV) is commonly used to represent the value of a property company. For listed prop...
Listed property companies trading at a discount or premium to their Net Asset Value (NAV) is a widel...
The NAV puzzle phenomenon refers to the differentiation of companies’ or funds’ net asset value and ...
There have been previous studies aimed at finding out what factors influence whether a company's sha...
The efficient market hypothesis states that the price of an asset should be equal to its fundamental...
A discount to the net asset value of Swedish investment companies is something that have existed for...
The discount to net asset value for investment companies has puzzled both the world of academics as ...
Property management companies on the Swedish stock market have long been very profitable and represe...
Nya arbetssätt har vuxit fram till följd av en osäker tid, vilket skapat möjligheter, men också tvin...
Nav discount is a current topic in the financial world. The researchers in the American market have ...
Background According to the Swedish Statistics Central Office (SCB) there were 2 064 000 detached ho...
The real estate sector is a capital-intensive industry, where the combination of debt and equity is ...
The current method for house valuations in mortgage portfolio models corresponds to applying a resid...
IAS 40 allows two methods of valuation for investment properties, fair value model and cost model....
En förvaltningsfastighet har i syfte att generera hyresinkomster eller en värdestegring. År 2005 imp...