Figures 117-120 - Hesperolyra gen. n., adult habitus. 117 Hesperolyra diskusi, male paratype, RMNH.INS.24501 118 Hesperolyra diskusi, female paratype, BMNH(E)1625477 119 Hesperolyra saopaulensis, female holotype 120 Hesperolyra saopaulensis, female RMNH.INS.24505. Scale bars: 1 mm
FIGURES 11–17. Fomoria cornijuxtata Remeikis & Stonis, sp. nov., holotype (ZMUC). 11, male adult; 12...
Figures 35-40 - Diversity of Nepticulidae and Opostegidae, all on same scale. 35 Etaini...
FIGURES 122–125. Simplimorpha (Myrtinepticula) kailai Stonis, sp. nov. 122, male genitalia, slide AD...
Figures 97-99 - Neotrifurcula gen. n., adult habitus. 97 Neotrifurcula g...
Figures 88-94 - Ozadelpha conostegiae, life history details, Costa Rica,...
Figures 142-148 - Acalyptris janzeni. 142–133 Holotype, metathorax and h...
Figures 74-79 - Ozadelpha gen. n., female genitalia. 74 Ozadelpha conost...
Figures 105-106 - Neotrifurcula sp., habitats in Chile 105 (top), Type l...
Figures 25-34 - Diversity of Nepticulidae, all on same scale. 25 Enteucha acetosae, mal...
Specimen data for Neotropical Nepticulidae with BOLD data : Explanation note: The 87 records a...
Figures 86-89 - Glaucolepis magna (Laštuvka, A. & Z., 1997), holotype of Tri...
Figures 93-97 - Fomoria scobleella (Minet, 2004), holotype male, labels and ...
Figures 70-75 - Stigmella wollofella (Gustafsson, 1972), male genitalia. 70–...
Figures 80-85 - Glaucolepis species, male genitalia. 80–82 Glaucolepis hamir...
Figures 88-90 Fragments of different versions of Neighbour-Joining tree of Hesperolyra and other Nep...
FIGURES 11–17. Fomoria cornijuxtata Remeikis & Stonis, sp. nov., holotype (ZMUC). 11, male adult; 12...
Figures 35-40 - Diversity of Nepticulidae and Opostegidae, all on same scale. 35 Etaini...
FIGURES 122–125. Simplimorpha (Myrtinepticula) kailai Stonis, sp. nov. 122, male genitalia, slide AD...
Figures 97-99 - Neotrifurcula gen. n., adult habitus. 97 Neotrifurcula g...
Figures 88-94 - Ozadelpha conostegiae, life history details, Costa Rica,...
Figures 142-148 - Acalyptris janzeni. 142–133 Holotype, metathorax and h...
Figures 74-79 - Ozadelpha gen. n., female genitalia. 74 Ozadelpha conost...
Figures 105-106 - Neotrifurcula sp., habitats in Chile 105 (top), Type l...
Figures 25-34 - Diversity of Nepticulidae, all on same scale. 25 Enteucha acetosae, mal...
Specimen data for Neotropical Nepticulidae with BOLD data : Explanation note: The 87 records a...
Figures 86-89 - Glaucolepis magna (Laštuvka, A. & Z., 1997), holotype of Tri...
Figures 93-97 - Fomoria scobleella (Minet, 2004), holotype male, labels and ...
Figures 70-75 - Stigmella wollofella (Gustafsson, 1972), male genitalia. 70–...
Figures 80-85 - Glaucolepis species, male genitalia. 80–82 Glaucolepis hamir...
Figures 88-90 Fragments of different versions of Neighbour-Joining tree of Hesperolyra and other Nep...
FIGURES 11–17. Fomoria cornijuxtata Remeikis & Stonis, sp. nov., holotype (ZMUC). 11, male adult; 12...
Figures 35-40 - Diversity of Nepticulidae and Opostegidae, all on same scale. 35 Etaini...
FIGURES 122–125. Simplimorpha (Myrtinepticula) kailai Stonis, sp. nov. 122, male genitalia, slide AD...