Figures 25-34 - Diversity of Nepticulidae, all on same scale. 25 Enteucha acetosae, male, Austria 26 Stigmella mespilicola, male, Switzerland, holotype 27 Roscidotoga callicomae, female paratype, Australia, NSW 28 Menurella libera, male holotype, Australia, NSW 29 Pectinivalva caenodora, male holotype, Australia, NSW 30 Glaucolepis lituanica , male, Austria 31 Bohemannia auriciliella, male, The Netherlands 32 Trifurcula iberica, male paratype, Spain 33 Fomoria weaveri, female, Sweden 34 Parafomoria helianthemella, female, Czech Republic. Scale 1 mm. Watercolours by Roland Johansson, 25, 26, 31 and 33 published earlier by Johansson et al. (1990), 28 and 29 by Hoare et al. (1997). The left wings of 32 and 34 are digitally mirrore...
Figures 142-148 - Acalyptris janzeni. 142–133 Holotype, metathorax and h...
FIGURES 46–52. WINg SCALINg OF THE AMERICAN Glaucolepis BRAUN. 46–48, G. saccharella (BRAUN), MALE P...
FIGURES 31–37. Male paratype of Acalyptris argentosa (Puplesis & Robinson). 31, male adult; 32, same...
Figures 35-40 - Diversity of Nepticulidae and Opostegidae, all on same scale. 35 Etaini...
Figures 70-75 - Stigmella wollofella (Gustafsson, 1972), male genitalia. 70–...
Figures 1-9 - Portraits of Lepidopterists who described Nepticuloidea. 1 Philipp Christ...
Figures 80-85 - Glaucolepis species, male genitalia. 80–82 Glaucolepis hamir...
Figures 86-89 - Glaucolepis magna (Laštuvka, A. & Z., 1997), holotype of Tri...
Figures 93-97 - Fomoria scobleella (Minet, 2004), holotype male, labels and ...
Figures 117-120 - Hesperolyra gen. n., adult habitus. 117 Hesperolyra di...
Figures 97-99 - Neotrifurcula gen. n., adult habitus. 97 Neotrifurcula g...
Figures 88-94 - Ozadelpha conostegiae, life history details, Costa Rica,...
FIGURES 25–34. MALE gENITALIA, PHALLUS OF Glaucolepis BRAUN. 25, G. saccharella, SLIDE NO. 16711, PA...
Figures 74-79 - Ozadelpha gen. n., female genitalia. 74 Ozadelpha conost...
Figures 63-69 - Stigmella tropicatella Legrand, 1965, paratypes. 63–65 Male ...
Figures 142-148 - Acalyptris janzeni. 142–133 Holotype, metathorax and h...
FIGURES 46–52. WINg SCALINg OF THE AMERICAN Glaucolepis BRAUN. 46–48, G. saccharella (BRAUN), MALE P...
FIGURES 31–37. Male paratype of Acalyptris argentosa (Puplesis & Robinson). 31, male adult; 32, same...
Figures 35-40 - Diversity of Nepticulidae and Opostegidae, all on same scale. 35 Etaini...
Figures 70-75 - Stigmella wollofella (Gustafsson, 1972), male genitalia. 70–...
Figures 1-9 - Portraits of Lepidopterists who described Nepticuloidea. 1 Philipp Christ...
Figures 80-85 - Glaucolepis species, male genitalia. 80–82 Glaucolepis hamir...
Figures 86-89 - Glaucolepis magna (Laštuvka, A. & Z., 1997), holotype of Tri...
Figures 93-97 - Fomoria scobleella (Minet, 2004), holotype male, labels and ...
Figures 117-120 - Hesperolyra gen. n., adult habitus. 117 Hesperolyra di...
Figures 97-99 - Neotrifurcula gen. n., adult habitus. 97 Neotrifurcula g...
Figures 88-94 - Ozadelpha conostegiae, life history details, Costa Rica,...
FIGURES 25–34. MALE gENITALIA, PHALLUS OF Glaucolepis BRAUN. 25, G. saccharella, SLIDE NO. 16711, PA...
Figures 74-79 - Ozadelpha gen. n., female genitalia. 74 Ozadelpha conost...
Figures 63-69 - Stigmella tropicatella Legrand, 1965, paratypes. 63–65 Male ...
Figures 142-148 - Acalyptris janzeni. 142–133 Holotype, metathorax and h...
FIGURES 46–52. WINg SCALINg OF THE AMERICAN Glaucolepis BRAUN. 46–48, G. saccharella (BRAUN), MALE P...
FIGURES 31–37. Male paratype of Acalyptris argentosa (Puplesis & Robinson). 31, male adult; 32, same...