Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda artikleid 1, 4 ja 7.Ajaloolise Jeesuse uurimine on kestnud küll vägagi intensiivselt tervelt kahe viimase sajandi vältel, kuid selle tulemused on olnud kesised – vähemalt mis puudutab väljavaadet, et teadlased suutnuksid Jeesuse kohta midagi kokkulepitult kindlat öelda. Ühelt poolt on kriitiline uurimistöö oma uurimismeetodite tagajärjel juba ligi sajandi seisus, kus öeldakse, et me võime Jeesusest kindlalt väita vaid mõnda üksikut fakti: näiteks et ta tõepoolest oli olemas ja elas 1. m.a.j sajandil. Teiselt poolt on need ajaloouurijad, kes on uurimistulemuste negatiivsust ületada püüdes loonud oma konstruktiivsed teaduslikud käsitlused, esitanud ridamisi erinevaid Jeesus-rekonstruktsioone, mis ...
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Boston University1. A Statement of the Problem with Limitations. The primary proble...
In this article a distinction is made between social scientific criticism and historiography. Histor...
The aim of this review article is to participate in the current “Jesus studies” debate. “Jesus in Ne...
U zadnjih nekoliko stoljeća povjesničari su, iz kojih god razloga, počeli sumnjati u Isusa Krista ka...
Kristologija, kaip Jėzaus asmens pažinimo bei analizės mokslinė kryptis, visais laikais buvo ir tebė...
Straipsnyje analizuojamas istorinis Jėzaus iš Nazareto gyvenimo ir veiklos kontekstas, jame – ir Pon...
Kristologija, kaip Jėzaus asmens pažinimo bei analizės mokslinė kryptis, visais laikais buvo ir tebė...
Žmogaus sampratos klausimas kaip antropologijos klausimas šiandien yra svarbus ne tik visuomenės ate...
For many Europeans, the reception of Jesus by a polytheistic religion is a difficult thing to unders...
<strong>Why Jesus studies? </strong>Present-day historical Jesus studies are the epistem...
From Christology to Jesuology? Theological discussion with Sakkie Spangenberg with reference to his ...
The question "Who Jesus realy was?" is more than 250 years object of many studies. In recent years t...
<p><strong>Historical Jesus research and the church's vision of evangelism. </strong&...
This study examines Islamic Christology. The aim is to reveal what Islam teaches about Jesus Christ ...
One of the most distinctive characteristics of current research into the life of Jesus, sometimes re...
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Boston University1. A Statement of the Problem with Limitations. The primary proble...
In this article a distinction is made between social scientific criticism and historiography. Histor...
The aim of this review article is to participate in the current “Jesus studies” debate. “Jesus in Ne...
U zadnjih nekoliko stoljeća povjesničari su, iz kojih god razloga, počeli sumnjati u Isusa Krista ka...
Kristologija, kaip Jėzaus asmens pažinimo bei analizės mokslinė kryptis, visais laikais buvo ir tebė...
Straipsnyje analizuojamas istorinis Jėzaus iš Nazareto gyvenimo ir veiklos kontekstas, jame – ir Pon...
Kristologija, kaip Jėzaus asmens pažinimo bei analizės mokslinė kryptis, visais laikais buvo ir tebė...
Žmogaus sampratos klausimas kaip antropologijos klausimas šiandien yra svarbus ne tik visuomenės ate...
For many Europeans, the reception of Jesus by a polytheistic religion is a difficult thing to unders...
<strong>Why Jesus studies? </strong>Present-day historical Jesus studies are the epistem...
From Christology to Jesuology? Theological discussion with Sakkie Spangenberg with reference to his ...
The question "Who Jesus realy was?" is more than 250 years object of many studies. In recent years t...
<p><strong>Historical Jesus research and the church's vision of evangelism. </strong&...
This study examines Islamic Christology. The aim is to reveal what Islam teaches about Jesus Christ ...
One of the most distinctive characteristics of current research into the life of Jesus, sometimes re...
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Boston University1. A Statement of the Problem with Limitations. The primary proble...
In this article a distinction is made between social scientific criticism and historiography. Histor...
The aim of this review article is to participate in the current “Jesus studies” debate. “Jesus in Ne...