Figure 7 - Placospongia mixta holotype (ZMB 3204). A selenaster B large tylostyle (head and blunt end) C small tylostyle (head and hastate end) D spheraster E streptasters F microacanthose microrhabds
Figure 7 - Litophyton acuticonicum (Verseveldt, 1974), ZMTAU Co 25867. A...
FIGURE 7. Dispio longibranchiata sp. nov. Holotype (LACM AHF POLY 6237: A, F, H–J; paratype LACM AHF...
Figure 7 - SEM images of Lophoturus boondallus sp. n. A Mout...
Figure 1 - In situ underwater images of Placospongia spp. in Indonesia, displaying natural variation...
Figure 11 - Bayesian/maximum likelihood phylograms of genotypes of the internal transcribed spacer r...
Figure 7 - Illustration of Meteorona kishinouyei sp. n., holotype. A gonad B gastric saccule C phace...
FIGURE 7. Xestospongia deweerdtae from Bocas del Toro Province in Panama, comparing free living (A, ...
FIGURE 3. Placospongia ruetzleri (UFBA 769). (A) Preserved specimen; (B) Skeleton architecture (C) T...
Figure 7 - a Dorsal view of a preserved Plakobranchus papua showing whit...
FIGURE 7. Oceanapia stalagmitica (Wiedenmayer, 1977) (UFPEPOR 2240). A, preserved specimen; B, close...
FIGURE 7. Haliclona (Halichoclona) marcoriosi sp. nov. A, holotype alive (MNRJ 13069); B, paratype a...
FIGURE 7. Spiophanes uschakowi Zachs, 1933: A. Anterior end, dorsal view. B. Chaetiger 5–12, lateral...
FIGURE 7. Oceanapia bartschi (De Laubenfels, 1934). A, sample (scale: 5 cm). B, tangential view of e...
Figure 7. Heterorotula kakahuensis (as Ephydatia kakahuensis). Megascleres and gemmules of part of t...
Figure 7 - Achelia echinata, male; A: Left 3rd leg; scale 200 µm; B: Lateral view of coxa 2 with gen...
Figure 7 - Litophyton acuticonicum (Verseveldt, 1974), ZMTAU Co 25867. A...
FIGURE 7. Dispio longibranchiata sp. nov. Holotype (LACM AHF POLY 6237: A, F, H–J; paratype LACM AHF...
Figure 7 - SEM images of Lophoturus boondallus sp. n. A Mout...
Figure 1 - In situ underwater images of Placospongia spp. in Indonesia, displaying natural variation...
Figure 11 - Bayesian/maximum likelihood phylograms of genotypes of the internal transcribed spacer r...
Figure 7 - Illustration of Meteorona kishinouyei sp. n., holotype. A gonad B gastric saccule C phace...
FIGURE 7. Xestospongia deweerdtae from Bocas del Toro Province in Panama, comparing free living (A, ...
FIGURE 3. Placospongia ruetzleri (UFBA 769). (A) Preserved specimen; (B) Skeleton architecture (C) T...
Figure 7 - a Dorsal view of a preserved Plakobranchus papua showing whit...
FIGURE 7. Oceanapia stalagmitica (Wiedenmayer, 1977) (UFPEPOR 2240). A, preserved specimen; B, close...
FIGURE 7. Haliclona (Halichoclona) marcoriosi sp. nov. A, holotype alive (MNRJ 13069); B, paratype a...
FIGURE 7. Spiophanes uschakowi Zachs, 1933: A. Anterior end, dorsal view. B. Chaetiger 5–12, lateral...
FIGURE 7. Oceanapia bartschi (De Laubenfels, 1934). A, sample (scale: 5 cm). B, tangential view of e...
Figure 7. Heterorotula kakahuensis (as Ephydatia kakahuensis). Megascleres and gemmules of part of t...
Figure 7 - Achelia echinata, male; A: Left 3rd leg; scale 200 µm; B: Lateral view of coxa 2 with gen...
Figure 7 - Litophyton acuticonicum (Verseveldt, 1974), ZMTAU Co 25867. A...
FIGURE 7. Dispio longibranchiata sp. nov. Holotype (LACM AHF POLY 6237: A, F, H–J; paratype LACM AHF...
Figure 7 - SEM images of Lophoturus boondallus sp. n. A Mout...