Figure 7 - a Dorsal view of a preserved Plakobranchus papua showing white dots surrounded by a yellow outline. b Preserved Plakobranchus ocellatus, ocellated spots with dark pigment surrounded by a white ring, some with a black ring (arrowed). c Plakobranchus ocellatus, dorsal view of a live animal (Cebu, Philippines, 1999, photo BWH). Plakobranchus ocellatus, (d) dorsal view and (e) ventral view of preserved animal. Scale bars: a, b = 5 mm, c–e = 10 mm
Figure 7 - Tetraclita singaporensis collected from (BUU16.TC...
Figure 60 Live specimens, Wallaconchis melanesiensis, Indonesia. A Dorsal view, 25 mm long [5131], H...
FIGURE 6. Pleurocodonellina jeparaensis n. sp. A–D, TAB 03, holotype. A. General view of encrusting ...
Figure 6 - Plakobranchus papua. a Muscular penial bulb and stylet b Deta...
Figure 3 - Plakobranchus papua. Images taken from live animals (external...
Figure 4 - Plakobranchus papua. Masticatory apparatus. a Pharynx; white ...
Figure 5 - Plakobranchus papua. Schematic drawing of reproductive system...
Figure 8 - Phylogram of the Plakobranchus ocellatus species complex, topology deriv...
Figure 7 - Carminodoris grandiflora, 30 mm A ventral view of preserved specimen showing small tuberc...
Figure 7 - External morphology and colouration of Phyllidiidae specimens used for COI p...
FIGURE 7. Elysia asbecki sp. nov.: living animals from Lizard Island; (A) Animal collected in 2006, ...
FIGURE 7. Philinopsis ctenophoraphaga n. sp., paratype, CASIZ 096245. A. Dorsal view of preserved an...
FIGURE 1. Living animals A. Philinopsis falciphallus n. sp., paratype, CASIZ 177678, Mabini, Philipp...
FIGURE 7. Opisthosyllis mariae n. sp. Holotype V. Pol. 1985.02. A: Anterior part, dorsal view; B: An...
Figure 8 - External morphology and colouration of Phyllidiidae specimens used for COI p...
Figure 7 - Tetraclita singaporensis collected from (BUU16.TC...
Figure 60 Live specimens, Wallaconchis melanesiensis, Indonesia. A Dorsal view, 25 mm long [5131], H...
FIGURE 6. Pleurocodonellina jeparaensis n. sp. A–D, TAB 03, holotype. A. General view of encrusting ...
Figure 6 - Plakobranchus papua. a Muscular penial bulb and stylet b Deta...
Figure 3 - Plakobranchus papua. Images taken from live animals (external...
Figure 4 - Plakobranchus papua. Masticatory apparatus. a Pharynx; white ...
Figure 5 - Plakobranchus papua. Schematic drawing of reproductive system...
Figure 8 - Phylogram of the Plakobranchus ocellatus species complex, topology deriv...
Figure 7 - Carminodoris grandiflora, 30 mm A ventral view of preserved specimen showing small tuberc...
Figure 7 - External morphology and colouration of Phyllidiidae specimens used for COI p...
FIGURE 7. Elysia asbecki sp. nov.: living animals from Lizard Island; (A) Animal collected in 2006, ...
FIGURE 7. Philinopsis ctenophoraphaga n. sp., paratype, CASIZ 096245. A. Dorsal view of preserved an...
FIGURE 1. Living animals A. Philinopsis falciphallus n. sp., paratype, CASIZ 177678, Mabini, Philipp...
FIGURE 7. Opisthosyllis mariae n. sp. Holotype V. Pol. 1985.02. A: Anterior part, dorsal view; B: An...
Figure 8 - External morphology and colouration of Phyllidiidae specimens used for COI p...
Figure 7 - Tetraclita singaporensis collected from (BUU16.TC...
Figure 60 Live specimens, Wallaconchis melanesiensis, Indonesia. A Dorsal view, 25 mm long [5131], H...
FIGURE 6. Pleurocodonellina jeparaensis n. sp. A–D, TAB 03, holotype. A. General view of encrusting ...