Figure 7 - Frullania knightbridgei A, B Main stem, ventral view. A Main stem and lateral branches, lobules subparallel in relation to the stem and occupying ca. 25% of the exposed surface of the dorsal lobe B iIllustrating terminal position of the gynoecium with 2 subfloral branches immediately below C Bicoloured leaf-lobules D Initial branching appendages E Median cells of the leaf-lobe with subequally thickened cell walls F Basal cells of the leaf-lobe. Scale bars A = 200 µm; B = 500 µm; C,D = 50 µm; E, F = 10 µm
Figure 7 - Bidens evapelliana W.L. Wagner, J.R. Clark & Lorence A Habit B Young head showing pre-flo...
FIGURE 7. A–G. Cuphea araguaiaensis. A. Habit; B. Detail of a branch with brachyblasts; C. Abaxial s...
Figure 7 Fothergilla milleria plant form and leaf orientation b adaxial leaf surface c abaxial leaf ...
Figure 2 - Variation in characters associated with the leaf-lobe oil bodies and leaf-lobule anatomy ...
Figure 7 - Selaginella pellucidopunctata Valdespino. A Section of upper surface of stem B Upper surf...
FIGURE 1. Gackstroemia novae-zelandiae R.M.Schust. & J.J.Engel. 1. Sector of shoot with Frullania-ty...
FIGURE 7. Bertolonia cuspidata. A. Fertile branch. B. Trichomes on the petiole. C. Leaf base, abaxia...
Figure 5-7 - 5 Cross section of monostromatic blade showing square sterile cells and spindle-shaped ...
Figure 7 - 1–6 Convolvulus farinosus 1 leaf 2 outer sepal 3 middle sepal 4 inner sepal 5 stamen 6 ov...
FIG. 7. — Cololejeunea ensifera Tixier ex L.SÖderstr., Pócs, Váňa & A.Hagborg: A, part of plant in v...
FIGURE 7. Cheilolejeunea cuspidifera A. Shoot sections in ventral view; B. Perianth with bracts and ...
Figure 7 - Cuatrecasanthus kingii: A Habit B Detail of adaxial surface of leaf C Cluster of heads D ...
Figure 4 - Brevianthus flavus subsp. flavus: A leaf apex scale B cells below apex on abaxial leaf su...
FIGURE 7. Cross-section of the pulvinules of Collaea aschersoniana (a–d), C. insignis. (e–h), C. spe...
Figure 7 - Leaf cross-sections of the Festuca sect. Eskia species. A F. eskia (A1 condu...
Figure 7 - Bidens evapelliana W.L. Wagner, J.R. Clark & Lorence A Habit B Young head showing pre-flo...
FIGURE 7. A–G. Cuphea araguaiaensis. A. Habit; B. Detail of a branch with brachyblasts; C. Abaxial s...
Figure 7 Fothergilla milleria plant form and leaf orientation b adaxial leaf surface c abaxial leaf ...
Figure 2 - Variation in characters associated with the leaf-lobe oil bodies and leaf-lobule anatomy ...
Figure 7 - Selaginella pellucidopunctata Valdespino. A Section of upper surface of stem B Upper surf...
FIGURE 1. Gackstroemia novae-zelandiae R.M.Schust. & J.J.Engel. 1. Sector of shoot with Frullania-ty...
FIGURE 7. Bertolonia cuspidata. A. Fertile branch. B. Trichomes on the petiole. C. Leaf base, abaxia...
Figure 5-7 - 5 Cross section of monostromatic blade showing square sterile cells and spindle-shaped ...
Figure 7 - 1–6 Convolvulus farinosus 1 leaf 2 outer sepal 3 middle sepal 4 inner sepal 5 stamen 6 ov...
FIG. 7. — Cololejeunea ensifera Tixier ex L.SÖderstr., Pócs, Váňa & A.Hagborg: A, part of plant in v...
FIGURE 7. Cheilolejeunea cuspidifera A. Shoot sections in ventral view; B. Perianth with bracts and ...
Figure 7 - Cuatrecasanthus kingii: A Habit B Detail of adaxial surface of leaf C Cluster of heads D ...
Figure 4 - Brevianthus flavus subsp. flavus: A leaf apex scale B cells below apex on abaxial leaf su...
FIGURE 7. Cross-section of the pulvinules of Collaea aschersoniana (a–d), C. insignis. (e–h), C. spe...
Figure 7 - Leaf cross-sections of the Festuca sect. Eskia species. A F. eskia (A1 condu...
Figure 7 - Bidens evapelliana W.L. Wagner, J.R. Clark & Lorence A Habit B Young head showing pre-flo...
FIGURE 7. A–G. Cuphea araguaiaensis. A. Habit; B. Detail of a branch with brachyblasts; C. Abaxial s...
Figure 7 Fothergilla milleria plant form and leaf orientation b adaxial leaf surface c abaxial leaf ...