FIGURE 7. Cross-section of the pulvinules of Collaea aschersoniana (a–d), C. insignis. (e–h), C. speciosa (i–l) and C. stenophylla (m–p), and petiole of C. speciosa (q–s): a, e, i, m and q general aspect. b, f, j and n general aspect of the adaxial surface, highlighting the crystals. c, g, k and o general aspects of the abaxial surface. d, h, l and p detail of the vascular bundle. r detail of the trichomes, epidermis, collenchyma, parenchyma, fibers, phloem and xylem. s detail of pith cells. (co = collenchyma; ep = epidermis; fi = fibers; pa = parenchyma; ph = phloem; pi = pith; tr = trichomes; vb = vascular bundle; xy = xylem; arrows = prismatic crystals). Scale: a, e, i, m, q = 200 μm; b–d, f–h, j–l, n–p, r, s = 50 μm.Published as part of...
FIGURE 7. Cheilolejeunea cuspidifera A. Shoot sections in ventral view; B. Perianth with bracts and ...
FIGURE 4. Leaf anatomy in cross section of Agarista revoluta (A–C) and A. revolutissima (D–F): A. Mi...
FIGURE 11. Cross sections of leaf of the Copaifera appendiculata M.J. Silva submitted to histochemic...
FIGURE 6. Cross-section of the midribs of Collaea aschersoniana (a–d), C. insignis (e–h), C. specios...
FIGURE 9. Cross-section of the petiole (a–c) and pulvinus (d–k) of Collaea insignis (d–g) and C. spe...
FIGURE 2. Collaea insignis M. J. Silva (a and b): a. habit. b. fertile branch; Collaea speciosa (c–e...
FIGURE 3. Distribution map of Collaea insignis.Published as part of Silva, Marcos José Da, Fortuna-P...
FIGURE 7. Bertolonia cuspidata. A. Fertile branch. B. Trichomes on the petiole. C. Leaf base, abaxia...
Figure 7 - Selaginella pellucidopunctata Valdespino. A Section of upper surface of stem B Upper surf...
FIGURE 4. Anatomical features in species of Chamaecrista series Unijugae. A. Bulbous trichomes in Ch...
FIGURE 7. a–e Croton limae: a flowering branch with monopodial ramification b narrowly lanceolate st...
FIGURE 6. Martiodendron fluminense Lombardi. A. Branch with leaf; B. Detail of the adaxial surface o...
FIGURE 7. Culm cross section of Otatea fimbriata. A. Cross section general view. B. Epidermis and co...
FIGURE 8. Cross sections of the midribs of Davilla elliptica (a–f), D. grandiflora (g–l), and D. pyg...
FIGURE 7. Globba mollis Sangvir. & M.F.Newman (Sangvirotjanapat 687) A. Habit B. Inflorescence C. Le...
FIGURE 7. Cheilolejeunea cuspidifera A. Shoot sections in ventral view; B. Perianth with bracts and ...
FIGURE 4. Leaf anatomy in cross section of Agarista revoluta (A–C) and A. revolutissima (D–F): A. Mi...
FIGURE 11. Cross sections of leaf of the Copaifera appendiculata M.J. Silva submitted to histochemic...
FIGURE 6. Cross-section of the midribs of Collaea aschersoniana (a–d), C. insignis (e–h), C. specios...
FIGURE 9. Cross-section of the petiole (a–c) and pulvinus (d–k) of Collaea insignis (d–g) and C. spe...
FIGURE 2. Collaea insignis M. J. Silva (a and b): a. habit. b. fertile branch; Collaea speciosa (c–e...
FIGURE 3. Distribution map of Collaea insignis.Published as part of Silva, Marcos José Da, Fortuna-P...
FIGURE 7. Bertolonia cuspidata. A. Fertile branch. B. Trichomes on the petiole. C. Leaf base, abaxia...
Figure 7 - Selaginella pellucidopunctata Valdespino. A Section of upper surface of stem B Upper surf...
FIGURE 4. Anatomical features in species of Chamaecrista series Unijugae. A. Bulbous trichomes in Ch...
FIGURE 7. a–e Croton limae: a flowering branch with monopodial ramification b narrowly lanceolate st...
FIGURE 6. Martiodendron fluminense Lombardi. A. Branch with leaf; B. Detail of the adaxial surface o...
FIGURE 7. Culm cross section of Otatea fimbriata. A. Cross section general view. B. Epidermis and co...
FIGURE 8. Cross sections of the midribs of Davilla elliptica (a–f), D. grandiflora (g–l), and D. pyg...
FIGURE 7. Globba mollis Sangvir. & M.F.Newman (Sangvirotjanapat 687) A. Habit B. Inflorescence C. Le...
FIGURE 7. Cheilolejeunea cuspidifera A. Shoot sections in ventral view; B. Perianth with bracts and ...
FIGURE 4. Leaf anatomy in cross section of Agarista revoluta (A–C) and A. revolutissima (D–F): A. Mi...
FIGURE 11. Cross sections of leaf of the Copaifera appendiculata M.J. Silva submitted to histochemic...