FIGURE 7. Paleanotus silopsis n. sp. A. Micropic of anterior and mid-body section, dorsal view, SIO A 3633: Indonesia, West Papua, Raja Ampat; B. Micropic of median paleae and medial main palea, NTM W. 24186: High Rock, GBR; C. Lateral paleae group and neuropodium, SIO A 3633: Indonesia, West Papua, Raja Ampat; D. Detail of median paleae group and medial main paleae, NTM W. 24188: Philippines. Abbreviations: la = lateral paleae, me = median paleae, mm = medial main paleae. Scale bars: D = 30 µm
FIGURE 11. Paleanotus bellis. A, parapodium middle segment; B–E, neurochaetal types; F, lateral pale...
FIGURE 7. Drilonereis cf. logani Crossland, 1924. A. Whole body of live specimen in host; B. Anterio...
FIGURE 7. Trypanosyllis sp. 1 AM W.44085. A. Dorsal view; B. Mid-body aciculae; C–E. Mid-body chaeta...
FIGURE 3. Paleanotus adornatus n. sp. A – C: NTM W. 23677: Lizard Island, GBR. A. Lateral group and ...
FIGURE 3. Paleanotus adornatus n. sp. A–C: NTM W.23677: Lizard Island, GBR. A. Lateral group and mai...
FIGURE 1. A. Paleanotus generalized notochaetal fan; B. Main paleae sculptural detail. C–I: Comparat...
FIGURE 1. A. Paleanotus generalized notochaetal fan; B. Main paleae sculptural detail. C–I: Comparat...
FIGURE 1. A. Paleanotus generalized notochaetal fan; B. Main paleae sculptural detail. C–I: Comparat...
FIGURE 4. Paleanotus macrophthalmum (Hartmann-Schröder, 1959), non-type specimen (UMAR-Poly-OH-020)....
FIGURE 11. Paleaequor nicoyensis Watson Russell, 1986, non-type specimen (UMAR-Poly 954). A) Complet...
FIGURE 7. Anterior end in ventral view, of species of Owenia described or reported in the South East...
FIGURE 7. Micronephthys platycephala n. sp., SEM photos of AM W.46844. A. Anterior end, dorsal view;...
FIGURE 18. Bhawatsonia nenoae n. sp., holotype (ECOSUR-269). A) Complete body. B) Parapodium from se...
FIGURE 14. Bhawatsonia fusa n. sp., holotype (ECOSUR-263). A) Complete fragmented body. B) Drawing o...
FIGURE 7. Syllis maganda n. sp., complete live specimen, dorsal view. Photographed by Alexander Seme...
FIGURE 11. Paleanotus bellis. A, parapodium middle segment; B–E, neurochaetal types; F, lateral pale...
FIGURE 7. Drilonereis cf. logani Crossland, 1924. A. Whole body of live specimen in host; B. Anterio...
FIGURE 7. Trypanosyllis sp. 1 AM W.44085. A. Dorsal view; B. Mid-body aciculae; C–E. Mid-body chaeta...
FIGURE 3. Paleanotus adornatus n. sp. A – C: NTM W. 23677: Lizard Island, GBR. A. Lateral group and ...
FIGURE 3. Paleanotus adornatus n. sp. A–C: NTM W.23677: Lizard Island, GBR. A. Lateral group and mai...
FIGURE 1. A. Paleanotus generalized notochaetal fan; B. Main paleae sculptural detail. C–I: Comparat...
FIGURE 1. A. Paleanotus generalized notochaetal fan; B. Main paleae sculptural detail. C–I: Comparat...
FIGURE 1. A. Paleanotus generalized notochaetal fan; B. Main paleae sculptural detail. C–I: Comparat...
FIGURE 4. Paleanotus macrophthalmum (Hartmann-Schröder, 1959), non-type specimen (UMAR-Poly-OH-020)....
FIGURE 11. Paleaequor nicoyensis Watson Russell, 1986, non-type specimen (UMAR-Poly 954). A) Complet...
FIGURE 7. Anterior end in ventral view, of species of Owenia described or reported in the South East...
FIGURE 7. Micronephthys platycephala n. sp., SEM photos of AM W.46844. A. Anterior end, dorsal view;...
FIGURE 18. Bhawatsonia nenoae n. sp., holotype (ECOSUR-269). A) Complete body. B) Parapodium from se...
FIGURE 14. Bhawatsonia fusa n. sp., holotype (ECOSUR-263). A) Complete fragmented body. B) Drawing o...
FIGURE 7. Syllis maganda n. sp., complete live specimen, dorsal view. Photographed by Alexander Seme...
FIGURE 11. Paleanotus bellis. A, parapodium middle segment; B–E, neurochaetal types; F, lateral pale...
FIGURE 7. Drilonereis cf. logani Crossland, 1924. A. Whole body of live specimen in host; B. Anterio...
FIGURE 7. Trypanosyllis sp. 1 AM W.44085. A. Dorsal view; B. Mid-body aciculae; C–E. Mid-body chaeta...