FIGURE 3. Paleanotus adornatus n. sp. A – C: NTM W. 23677: Lizard Island, GBR. A. Lateral group and main paleae; B. Micropic of main palea; C. Median and medial main paleae; D. Micropic of notopodium, NTM W. 23660: Heron Island, GBR; E. Micropic of notopodium, AM W. 7531: Dampier, WA. F – G: P. adornatus broad form. F. Micropic of notopodium and neuropodium, NTM W. 25644: North Direction Island, GBR; G. Micropic of notopodium and neuropodium, SIO A 3629: Indonesia, West Papua, Raja Ampat. Abbreviations: me = median paleae, mm = medial main paleae. Scale bars: A, C = 100 µm
FIGURE 18. Bhawatsonia nenoae n. sp., holotype (ECOSUR-269). A) Complete body. B) Parapodium from se...
FIGURE 3. Alitta brandti Malmgren, 1865, epitoke male. Holotype (ZINRAS 6/9181), southwestern Sea of...
FIGURE 2. A. Composetia marmorata NTM W22530, preserved, antero-ventral view, pharynx everted; B. Le...
FIGURE 3. Paleanotus adornatus n. sp. A–C: NTM W.23677: Lizard Island, GBR. A. Lateral group and mai...
FIGURE 7. Paleanotus silopsis n. sp. A. Micropic of anterior and mid-body section, dorsal view, SIO ...
FIGURE 1. A. Paleanotus generalized notochaetal fan; B. Main paleae sculptural detail. C–I: Comparat...
FIGURE 1. A. Paleanotus generalized notochaetal fan; B. Main paleae sculptural detail. C–I: Comparat...
FIGURE 1. A. Paleanotus generalized notochaetal fan; B. Main paleae sculptural detail. C–I: Comparat...
FIGURE 4. Paleanotus macrophthalmum (Hartmann-Schröder, 1959), non-type specimen (UMAR-Poly-OH-020)....
FIGURE 11. Paleaequor nicoyensis Watson Russell, 1986, non-type specimen (UMAR-Poly 954). A) Complet...
FIGURE 3. Aonides orensanzi n. sp. A, B—AM W.45222; C–H—AM W.45220; I, J—AM W.45226. A. Anterior end...
FIGURE 3. Aglaophamus verrilli, specimen stained with methyl blue, AM W.46971. A. Anterior end, dors...
FIGURE 3. A. Nereis cf. coutieri AM W.43784, alive, lateral view; B. N. cf. coutieri AM W.43832, ali...
FIGURE 3. Scoloplos dayi, A–D: methylene blue staining. A–C: AM W.45477. A. Anterior end, left later...
FIGURE 1. Arabella (A.) pulvinata n. sp. A. Whole body of live specimen; B. Anterior end of live spe...
FIGURE 18. Bhawatsonia nenoae n. sp., holotype (ECOSUR-269). A) Complete body. B) Parapodium from se...
FIGURE 3. Alitta brandti Malmgren, 1865, epitoke male. Holotype (ZINRAS 6/9181), southwestern Sea of...
FIGURE 2. A. Composetia marmorata NTM W22530, preserved, antero-ventral view, pharynx everted; B. Le...
FIGURE 3. Paleanotus adornatus n. sp. A–C: NTM W.23677: Lizard Island, GBR. A. Lateral group and mai...
FIGURE 7. Paleanotus silopsis n. sp. A. Micropic of anterior and mid-body section, dorsal view, SIO ...
FIGURE 1. A. Paleanotus generalized notochaetal fan; B. Main paleae sculptural detail. C–I: Comparat...
FIGURE 1. A. Paleanotus generalized notochaetal fan; B. Main paleae sculptural detail. C–I: Comparat...
FIGURE 1. A. Paleanotus generalized notochaetal fan; B. Main paleae sculptural detail. C–I: Comparat...
FIGURE 4. Paleanotus macrophthalmum (Hartmann-Schröder, 1959), non-type specimen (UMAR-Poly-OH-020)....
FIGURE 11. Paleaequor nicoyensis Watson Russell, 1986, non-type specimen (UMAR-Poly 954). A) Complet...
FIGURE 3. Aonides orensanzi n. sp. A, B—AM W.45222; C–H—AM W.45220; I, J—AM W.45226. A. Anterior end...
FIGURE 3. Aglaophamus verrilli, specimen stained with methyl blue, AM W.46971. A. Anterior end, dors...
FIGURE 3. A. Nereis cf. coutieri AM W.43784, alive, lateral view; B. N. cf. coutieri AM W.43832, ali...
FIGURE 3. Scoloplos dayi, A–D: methylene blue staining. A–C: AM W.45477. A. Anterior end, left later...
FIGURE 1. Arabella (A.) pulvinata n. sp. A. Whole body of live specimen; B. Anterior end of live spe...
FIGURE 18. Bhawatsonia nenoae n. sp., holotype (ECOSUR-269). A) Complete body. B) Parapodium from se...
FIGURE 3. Alitta brandti Malmgren, 1865, epitoke male. Holotype (ZINRAS 6/9181), southwestern Sea of...
FIGURE 2. A. Composetia marmorata NTM W22530, preserved, antero-ventral view, pharynx everted; B. Le...