Prirodni okoliš i društvo tijesno su povezani, a uloga prirodnih obilježja izravno se odražava na ekonomski razvoj i širenje naselja u mađarskom dijelu dravske ravnice. Topografska i hidrografska obilježja oduvijek utječu na način uporabe zemljišta istraživanog područja. Denivelacija od metra ili dva imala je odlučujuću ulogu u razgraničavanju površina pogodnih za ribarenje od onih pogodnijih za sakupljanje plodova, šumarstvo ili uzgoj usjeva. Iako se regulacijom toka rijeke Fekete-viz i drenažom močvarnog zemljišta krajem 19. stoljeća smanjila opasnost od poplava i dobilo novo obradivo zemljište, siromašnije stanovništvo nije moglo nastaviti tradicionalni način života, tj. sakupljanje plodova, ribarenje i lov. Naselja su se razvila na ocje...
The change in the development status of certain territories plays important role in several areas of...
Az Európában egyik legrégibb múltra visszatekintő magyar, vagy magyarországi etnikai jellegű térképe...
Pécs, a Southwest-Hungarian city of medium size by Central European standards, has two thousands yea...
Prirodni okoliš i društvo tijesno su povezani, a uloga prirodnih obilježja izravno se odražava na ek...
A geomorfológiai térképezés fontos szerepet játszik olyan tervezési problémák megoldásában, mint nag...
Scattered farms are characteristic settlement types of Hungary whose historical roots go back centur...
Összefoglalás A rendszerváltozás gyökeres fordulatot eredményezett a falusi településeket formáló f...
The once extensive floodplains along the Hungarian section of the Danube have mostly disappeared by ...
The once extensive floodplains along the Hungarian section of the Danube have mostly disappeared by ...
Both the study of landscape types and investigations of the interactions between landscape factors h...
Arheološko, povijesno, geomorfološko i geoarheološko istraživanje regije Berzence u središnjoj dolin...
Urban morphological research nowadays is a constantly widening field of study that explores multiple...
In the last millennium one of the most important changes in the natural environment of the Great Hun...
Before the river regulation the landscape of the Great Hungarian Plain was characterized by the regu...
V sestavku so predstavljene spremembe, nastale na madžarskem krasu kot posledica človekove dejavnost...
The change in the development status of certain territories plays important role in several areas of...
Az Európában egyik legrégibb múltra visszatekintő magyar, vagy magyarországi etnikai jellegű térképe...
Pécs, a Southwest-Hungarian city of medium size by Central European standards, has two thousands yea...
Prirodni okoliš i društvo tijesno su povezani, a uloga prirodnih obilježja izravno se odražava na ek...
A geomorfológiai térképezés fontos szerepet játszik olyan tervezési problémák megoldásában, mint nag...
Scattered farms are characteristic settlement types of Hungary whose historical roots go back centur...
Összefoglalás A rendszerváltozás gyökeres fordulatot eredményezett a falusi településeket formáló f...
The once extensive floodplains along the Hungarian section of the Danube have mostly disappeared by ...
The once extensive floodplains along the Hungarian section of the Danube have mostly disappeared by ...
Both the study of landscape types and investigations of the interactions between landscape factors h...
Arheološko, povijesno, geomorfološko i geoarheološko istraživanje regije Berzence u središnjoj dolin...
Urban morphological research nowadays is a constantly widening field of study that explores multiple...
In the last millennium one of the most important changes in the natural environment of the Great Hun...
Before the river regulation the landscape of the Great Hungarian Plain was characterized by the regu...
V sestavku so predstavljene spremembe, nastale na madžarskem krasu kot posledica človekove dejavnost...
The change in the development status of certain territories plays important role in several areas of...
Az Európában egyik legrégibb múltra visszatekintő magyar, vagy magyarországi etnikai jellegű térképe...
Pécs, a Southwest-Hungarian city of medium size by Central European standards, has two thousands yea...