Od pojave tehnologije integriranog sklopa, elektronička industrija bilježi nezapamćen razvoj, vršeći snažan utjecaj na pomorstvo. Posljednjih dvadesetak godina razvoj elektroničke industrije zasnovan je na CMOS VLSI tehnologiji. Neprekidni napredak CMOS VLSI tehnologije omogućen je kontinuiranim smanjivanjem dimenzija MOS tranzistora. Rezultat skaliranja je veća gustoća pakiranja komponenata po elektroničkom sklopu, veća brzina rada i manja disipacija snage po tranzistoru. Današnji su tranzistori 20 puta brži te zauzimaju 1% prostora u odnosu na tranzistore proizvedene prije 20 godina. Očito je da smanjivanje površine tranzistora ne može ići u beskonačnost. Ovim radom se istražuju potencijalna ograničenja razvoja CMOS tehnologije.Since the...
The success of the microelectronics industry over more then 30 years is to a large extent based on u...
The success of the microelectronics industry over more then 30 years is to a large extent based on u...
The paper briefly presents the history of microelectronics and the limitations of its further progre...
In the last decades CMOS technology has undergone an extraordinary evolution. Thanks to the continuo...
CMOS je poluvodička tehnologija korištena kod tranzistora te se koristi u velikom dijelu današnje mi...
CMOS je poluvodička tehnologija korištena kod tranzistora te se koristi u velikom dijelu današnje mi...
CMOS je poluvodička tehnologija korištena kod tranzistora te se koristi u velikom dijelu današnje mi...
Silicon based very large scale integration (VLSI) technology has become the driving force of the ele...
Todays CMOS technology is reviewed with respect to process architecture, acquired CMOS specific devi...
In this paper an overview on the main issues in analog IC design in scaled CMOS technology is presen...
The article offers the analysis of operational amplifier parameter changes, when circuits are scaled...
The recent development of various application systems and platforms, such as 5G, B5G, 6G, and IoT, i...
The success of the microelectronics industry over more then 30 years is to a large extent based on u...
The success of the microelectronics industry over more then 30 years is to a large extent based on u...
The success of the microelectronics industry over more then 30 years is to a large extent based on u...
The success of the microelectronics industry over more then 30 years is to a large extent based on u...
The success of the microelectronics industry over more then 30 years is to a large extent based on u...
The paper briefly presents the history of microelectronics and the limitations of its further progre...
In the last decades CMOS technology has undergone an extraordinary evolution. Thanks to the continuo...
CMOS je poluvodička tehnologija korištena kod tranzistora te se koristi u velikom dijelu današnje mi...
CMOS je poluvodička tehnologija korištena kod tranzistora te se koristi u velikom dijelu današnje mi...
CMOS je poluvodička tehnologija korištena kod tranzistora te se koristi u velikom dijelu današnje mi...
Silicon based very large scale integration (VLSI) technology has become the driving force of the ele...
Todays CMOS technology is reviewed with respect to process architecture, acquired CMOS specific devi...
In this paper an overview on the main issues in analog IC design in scaled CMOS technology is presen...
The article offers the analysis of operational amplifier parameter changes, when circuits are scaled...
The recent development of various application systems and platforms, such as 5G, B5G, 6G, and IoT, i...
The success of the microelectronics industry over more then 30 years is to a large extent based on u...
The success of the microelectronics industry over more then 30 years is to a large extent based on u...
The success of the microelectronics industry over more then 30 years is to a large extent based on u...
The success of the microelectronics industry over more then 30 years is to a large extent based on u...
The success of the microelectronics industry over more then 30 years is to a large extent based on u...
The paper briefly presents the history of microelectronics and the limitations of its further progre...