Based on the analysis of the results obtained by quantum chemical modeling of interaction between reduced glutathione (GSH) and melatonin (MLT) molecules with oxygen radicals (•OH and • OOˉ) it was found that this interaction occured following the acid-base mechanism, where MLT and GSH acted as a base in respect of •OH, and as acid in respect of •OOˉ. We have carried out the correlation of the results of quantum chemical calculations (density redistribution, energetic characteristics) under the interaction of MLT and GSH molecules with •OH and •OOˉ in changing macroscopic properties of the process of electroreduction of free oxygen radicals in the presence of antioxidants (potential and maximal current wave reduction waves). This was a dire...
The presence of excess free radicals in the body can result in severe health consequences because of...
Melatonin possesses the capability of donating electrons, consequently reducing the reactivity of mo...
Molecular oxygen is toxic for anaerobic organisms but it is also obvious that oxygen is poisonous to...
Following the analysis of the results of quantum chemical simulation of interaction between a GSH mo...
The antioxidative activity of melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine), a neurohormone secreted by t...
Melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine), a pineal hormone, is known to show efficient antioxidative...
Density functional theory calculations on melatonin, metabolites and synthetic derivatives thereof, ...
Melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine), a pineal hormone, is known to show efficient antioxidative...
Reactive oxygen species Melatonin was discovered to be a direct free radical scav-enger less than 10...
This theoretical study focuses on two indole derivatives, melatonin (1) and carvedilol (8), with the...
Intracellular Pro-oxidant Activity of Melatonin Deprives U937 Cells of Reduced Glutathione without A...
Melatonin is an efficient protector against hydrogen peroxide(H2O2)-induced lipid peroxidation and a...
Melatonin has been widely reported to be an effective antioxidant. Studies of its ability to inhibit...
Carbon-centred free radicals can be involved in damage to biological systems under hypoxic/anoxic co...
Melatonin is a product of the amino acid tryptophan in the pineal gland. Once synthesized, the speci...
The presence of excess free radicals in the body can result in severe health consequences because of...
Melatonin possesses the capability of donating electrons, consequently reducing the reactivity of mo...
Molecular oxygen is toxic for anaerobic organisms but it is also obvious that oxygen is poisonous to...
Following the analysis of the results of quantum chemical simulation of interaction between a GSH mo...
The antioxidative activity of melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine), a neurohormone secreted by t...
Melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine), a pineal hormone, is known to show efficient antioxidative...
Density functional theory calculations on melatonin, metabolites and synthetic derivatives thereof, ...
Melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine), a pineal hormone, is known to show efficient antioxidative...
Reactive oxygen species Melatonin was discovered to be a direct free radical scav-enger less than 10...
This theoretical study focuses on two indole derivatives, melatonin (1) and carvedilol (8), with the...
Intracellular Pro-oxidant Activity of Melatonin Deprives U937 Cells of Reduced Glutathione without A...
Melatonin is an efficient protector against hydrogen peroxide(H2O2)-induced lipid peroxidation and a...
Melatonin has been widely reported to be an effective antioxidant. Studies of its ability to inhibit...
Carbon-centred free radicals can be involved in damage to biological systems under hypoxic/anoxic co...
Melatonin is a product of the amino acid tryptophan in the pineal gland. Once synthesized, the speci...
The presence of excess free radicals in the body can result in severe health consequences because of...
Melatonin possesses the capability of donating electrons, consequently reducing the reactivity of mo...
Molecular oxygen is toxic for anaerobic organisms but it is also obvious that oxygen is poisonous to...