Relief shown by shading.Cadastral map showing drainage, roads, canals, land ownership, landowners' names, ranchos, judicial townships, precincts, etc.LC copy imperfect: Water-stained at map area and torn at margins. DLCLC Land ownership maps, 1
LeGear. Atlases of the United States, 3941Includes index.Annotations in blue ink, red ink, pencil, b...
LC Land ownership maps, 1441LC copy imperfect: Torn at fold lines, missing small marginal sections i...
Relief shown by hachures.Cadastral map showing mining and mill sites and some landowners' names, roa...
Relief shown by hachures.Partial cadastral map showing land ownership, some landowners' names, ditch...
Relief shown by hachures.Cadastral map showing drainage, section lines and numbers, land ownership, ...
Relief shown by hachures.Cadastral map showing landowners' names and dates, school districts, voting...
Shows ranges, townships and sections and the names of some residents.Relief shown by contours and sp...
Cadastral map of original land patents, real-property tracts, dates when properties were established...
Pen-and-ink and watercolor.Cadastral survey map of land tracts in South Mendocino County with color ...
Relief shown by contours.Shows lot lines, lot/block numbers, and landowners' names.LC Land ownership...
Relief shown by hachures.Cadastral map showing land ownership, lot numbers, landowners' names, drain...
Relief shown by shading.Also partial cadastral map showing land ownership and some landowners' names...
Relief shown by contours.Shows lot lines, lot/block numbers, and landowners' names.LC Land ownership...
Shows ranges, townships and sections and names of some residents.LC Land ownership maps, 75Includes ...
Shows state and county boundary lines."Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1853 by J, D...
LeGear. Atlases of the United States, 3941Includes index.Annotations in blue ink, red ink, pencil, b...
LC Land ownership maps, 1441LC copy imperfect: Torn at fold lines, missing small marginal sections i...
Relief shown by hachures.Cadastral map showing mining and mill sites and some landowners' names, roa...
Relief shown by hachures.Partial cadastral map showing land ownership, some landowners' names, ditch...
Relief shown by hachures.Cadastral map showing drainage, section lines and numbers, land ownership, ...
Relief shown by hachures.Cadastral map showing landowners' names and dates, school districts, voting...
Shows ranges, townships and sections and the names of some residents.Relief shown by contours and sp...
Cadastral map of original land patents, real-property tracts, dates when properties were established...
Pen-and-ink and watercolor.Cadastral survey map of land tracts in South Mendocino County with color ...
Relief shown by contours.Shows lot lines, lot/block numbers, and landowners' names.LC Land ownership...
Relief shown by hachures.Cadastral map showing land ownership, lot numbers, landowners' names, drain...
Relief shown by shading.Also partial cadastral map showing land ownership and some landowners' names...
Relief shown by contours.Shows lot lines, lot/block numbers, and landowners' names.LC Land ownership...
Shows ranges, townships and sections and names of some residents.LC Land ownership maps, 75Includes ...
Shows state and county boundary lines."Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1853 by J, D...
LeGear. Atlases of the United States, 3941Includes index.Annotations in blue ink, red ink, pencil, b...
LC Land ownership maps, 1441LC copy imperfect: Torn at fold lines, missing small marginal sections i...
Relief shown by hachures.Cadastral map showing mining and mill sites and some landowners' names, roa...