Relief shown by hachures.Cadastral map showing drainage, section lines and numbers, land ownership, landowners' names, roads, railroads, etc.LC copy imperfect: Missing a small portion in upper right margin. DLCLC Land ownership maps, 85
Relief shown by hachures.Shows cities, towns, roads, geographical features, and landowners' names.LC...
Cadastral map showing roads, mail routes, telephone lines, school district boundaries, school houses...
Shows names of some residents, boundary lines, and place names.Copy imperfect: Mounted on cloth back...
Relief shown by hachures.Cadastral map showing mining and mill sites and some landowners' names, roa...
LC Land ownership maps, 1441LC copy imperfect: Torn at fold lines, missing small marginal sections i...
Shows landownership.LC Land ownership maps, 1017LC copy 2 imperfect: punch-holes in right and left m...
Relief shown by contours.Shows lot lines, lot/block numbers, and landowners' names.LC Land ownership...
Cadastral map showing drainage, roads, school houses, churches, land ownership, landowners' names, e...
Copy imperfect: Mended along tear lines. DLCIncludes list of lands owned by B.B. Cahoon.Text on vers...
Shows names of some residents, boundary lines, and place names.Copy imperfect: Mounted on paper back...
Cadastral map of original land patents, real-property tracts, dates when properties were established...
Relief shown by shading.Cadastral map showing drainage, roads, canals, land ownership, landowners' n...
Relief shown by hachures.Cadastral map showing landowners' names and dates, school districts, voting...
County cadastral map showing warranty-deed tracts, tract numbers, tract acreages, initials of warran...
General county wall map showing cities, towns, roads, geographical features, and landowners' names.L...
Relief shown by hachures.Shows cities, towns, roads, geographical features, and landowners' names.LC...
Cadastral map showing roads, mail routes, telephone lines, school district boundaries, school houses...
Shows names of some residents, boundary lines, and place names.Copy imperfect: Mounted on cloth back...
Relief shown by hachures.Cadastral map showing mining and mill sites and some landowners' names, roa...
LC Land ownership maps, 1441LC copy imperfect: Torn at fold lines, missing small marginal sections i...
Shows landownership.LC Land ownership maps, 1017LC copy 2 imperfect: punch-holes in right and left m...
Relief shown by contours.Shows lot lines, lot/block numbers, and landowners' names.LC Land ownership...
Cadastral map showing drainage, roads, school houses, churches, land ownership, landowners' names, e...
Copy imperfect: Mended along tear lines. DLCIncludes list of lands owned by B.B. Cahoon.Text on vers...
Shows names of some residents, boundary lines, and place names.Copy imperfect: Mounted on paper back...
Cadastral map of original land patents, real-property tracts, dates when properties were established...
Relief shown by shading.Cadastral map showing drainage, roads, canals, land ownership, landowners' n...
Relief shown by hachures.Cadastral map showing landowners' names and dates, school districts, voting...
County cadastral map showing warranty-deed tracts, tract numbers, tract acreages, initials of warran...
General county wall map showing cities, towns, roads, geographical features, and landowners' names.L...
Relief shown by hachures.Shows cities, towns, roads, geographical features, and landowners' names.LC...
Cadastral map showing roads, mail routes, telephone lines, school district boundaries, school houses...
Shows names of some residents, boundary lines, and place names.Copy imperfect: Mounted on cloth back...