The results of the conducted experimental investigations have enabled to determine the peculiarities of connectioned opened resonators (OR) and to judge about practical use of them in the devices of difraction electronics. So, for instance, as compared with individual OR the expansion of ability to handle connectioned resonators indicates single-mindedness of using them in the amplifier schemes. Besides it should be noted that using the band difraction grating in the system of consistently connected resonators the OR oscillation spectrum can be controlled. When you are citing the document, use the following link
This article discusses the usefulness of identification of the mechanical elements of the electrical...
The influence of the depolarization of an isolated quantum dot driven by the coherent state of light...
The aim of the investigation is to develop techniques which qualitatively and quantitatively determi...
The methods and results of numerical and experimental simulation of wavelike processes at stimulatio...
In the article basic properties of the "classical" open resonators without discontinuity are briefl...
Using the structures of the triangle dielectric prism -band grating type the processes when transfor...
Digital synthesizer of frequency with circuit of temperature and vibration compensation, which can ...
The actuality of the problem and the principles of detecting the wire isolation defects are shown. T...
The paper presents description of the experimental rig and results of experimental investigation of ...
Theory results of named classes of random pracesses, which explained their correlation and spectral ...
The experimental complex of apparatus of electrical stimulation with combination of active electrode...
In paper the designed mathematical model for calculation of a characteristic impedance of a signal c...
The formation mechanisms of the zero-phonon line optical center at 580 nm (H19 center) in photolumin...
Different properties of neuronal cells connection named gap junction, especially its bidirectional n...
The paper reviews the development of the electrochemical techniques for michroheterogeneous system...
This article discusses the usefulness of identification of the mechanical elements of the electrical...
The influence of the depolarization of an isolated quantum dot driven by the coherent state of light...
The aim of the investigation is to develop techniques which qualitatively and quantitatively determi...
The methods and results of numerical and experimental simulation of wavelike processes at stimulatio...
In the article basic properties of the "classical" open resonators without discontinuity are briefl...
Using the structures of the triangle dielectric prism -band grating type the processes when transfor...
Digital synthesizer of frequency with circuit of temperature and vibration compensation, which can ...
The actuality of the problem and the principles of detecting the wire isolation defects are shown. T...
The paper presents description of the experimental rig and results of experimental investigation of ...
Theory results of named classes of random pracesses, which explained their correlation and spectral ...
The experimental complex of apparatus of electrical stimulation with combination of active electrode...
In paper the designed mathematical model for calculation of a characteristic impedance of a signal c...
The formation mechanisms of the zero-phonon line optical center at 580 nm (H19 center) in photolumin...
Different properties of neuronal cells connection named gap junction, especially its bidirectional n...
The paper reviews the development of the electrochemical techniques for michroheterogeneous system...
This article discusses the usefulness of identification of the mechanical elements of the electrical...
The influence of the depolarization of an isolated quantum dot driven by the coherent state of light...
The aim of the investigation is to develop techniques which qualitatively and quantitatively determi...