Digital synthesizer of frequency with circuit of temperature and vibration compensation, which can be used as highly stable source of supporting oscillations, is studied
Статья посвящена роли иноязычных вкраплений в поэтической речи М. Зерова. This article is devoted t...
Корнішева, Т. Л. Диригентська мова як складова творчого аспекту виконавської культури диригента // P...
Electrodynamic source intended for seismic prospecting to be used in hydrogeology, exploration and r...
У статті уточнено понятійно-категоріальний апарат теорії стимулювання. Обґрунтовано складові ефектив...
Dragan A. V .; Parfievich A. N. Modern methods and means of vibration diagnostics of the technical s...
Kinematic external disturbance vibration-registered equipment and is represented as a Fourier series...
Constructing regulators for highly-manevrous dynamic objects leads to the necessity of formulating a...
The structure of a low-frequency vibro-calibration system based on a linear actuator and a stepper m...
The hardware-software organization of computer multichannel systems of vibration control is consid...
Based on the virtual simulation have shown that the use of digital intelligent control system of vol...
Theory results of named classes of random pracesses, which explained their correlation and spectral ...
The electrical stimulation method has been designed on the base of the amplitude and frequency param...
The experimental complex of apparatus of electrical stimulation with combination of active electrode...
An analysis of basic demands for creation of mathematical model is used to design automatic systems ...
The experimental complex of apparatus of electrical stimulation with combination of active electrode...
Статья посвящена роли иноязычных вкраплений в поэтической речи М. Зерова. This article is devoted t...
Корнішева, Т. Л. Диригентська мова як складова творчого аспекту виконавської культури диригента // P...
Electrodynamic source intended for seismic prospecting to be used in hydrogeology, exploration and r...
У статті уточнено понятійно-категоріальний апарат теорії стимулювання. Обґрунтовано складові ефектив...
Dragan A. V .; Parfievich A. N. Modern methods and means of vibration diagnostics of the technical s...
Kinematic external disturbance vibration-registered equipment and is represented as a Fourier series...
Constructing regulators for highly-manevrous dynamic objects leads to the necessity of formulating a...
The structure of a low-frequency vibro-calibration system based on a linear actuator and a stepper m...
The hardware-software organization of computer multichannel systems of vibration control is consid...
Based on the virtual simulation have shown that the use of digital intelligent control system of vol...
Theory results of named classes of random pracesses, which explained their correlation and spectral ...
The electrical stimulation method has been designed on the base of the amplitude and frequency param...
The experimental complex of apparatus of electrical stimulation with combination of active electrode...
An analysis of basic demands for creation of mathematical model is used to design automatic systems ...
The experimental complex of apparatus of electrical stimulation with combination of active electrode...
Статья посвящена роли иноязычных вкраплений в поэтической речи М. Зерова. This article is devoted t...
Корнішева, Т. Л. Диригентська мова як складова творчого аспекту виконавської культури диригента // P...
Electrodynamic source intended for seismic prospecting to be used in hydrogeology, exploration and r...