We have solved the kinetic equation for a dilute, polarized Fermi system for a range of temperatures from the degenerate limit to the Boltzmann case. The solution is possible because we have been able to reduce the collision integral to two-fold form. We calculate the spin diffusion constant and find the expected results for the degenerate and Boltzmann limits, improved results for the high polarization regime in which one spin species is degenerate and one Boltzmann, and values for all intermediate temperatures as well. Because of a relation between the collision time and the “spin rotation quality parameter”, µ, we give results for that quantity valid for all temperatures. A similar analysis should allow the computation of other transport...
Abstract: We derive the collision operator in kinetic equation for a low-density spin-pola...
Abstract: We derive the relaxation time of the total spin polarization for a low–density s...
We present a finite temperature calculation of the transverse spin-diffusion coefficient D⊥ in a dil...
We have solved the kinetic equation for a dilute, polarized Fermi system for a range of temperatures...
We describe the solution of the transport equation over the entire range of temperature from the Bol...
A kinetic equation, which includes the effects of degeneracy, is derived for dilute, polarized syste...
It is shown that, at low temperature and high polarization, a spin-1/2 Fermi system becomes a mixtur...
A kinetic equation, which includes the effects of degeneracy, is derived for dilute, polarized syste...
We solve a recently derived kinetic equation for a dilute quantum system at arbitrary degeneracy and...
This paper considers a kinetic Boltzmann equation, having a gen-eral type of collision kernel and mo...
We consider the calculation of the longitudinal relaxation time T1 in a polarized Fermi system at te...
Exact results for the transport coefficients of a highly degenerate spin-polarized Fermi system are ...
We re-examine the calculation of the transverse spin-diffusion coefficient in a dilute degenerate sp...
10 pagesThe linear equations for transverse spin dynamics in weakly polarised degenerate Fermi liqui...
On the basis of our previous work, a rigorous kinetic equation for a spin-polarized plasma is derive...
Abstract: We derive the collision operator in kinetic equation for a low-density spin-pola...
Abstract: We derive the relaxation time of the total spin polarization for a low–density s...
We present a finite temperature calculation of the transverse spin-diffusion coefficient D⊥ in a dil...
We have solved the kinetic equation for a dilute, polarized Fermi system for a range of temperatures...
We describe the solution of the transport equation over the entire range of temperature from the Bol...
A kinetic equation, which includes the effects of degeneracy, is derived for dilute, polarized syste...
It is shown that, at low temperature and high polarization, a spin-1/2 Fermi system becomes a mixtur...
A kinetic equation, which includes the effects of degeneracy, is derived for dilute, polarized syste...
We solve a recently derived kinetic equation for a dilute quantum system at arbitrary degeneracy and...
This paper considers a kinetic Boltzmann equation, having a gen-eral type of collision kernel and mo...
We consider the calculation of the longitudinal relaxation time T1 in a polarized Fermi system at te...
Exact results for the transport coefficients of a highly degenerate spin-polarized Fermi system are ...
We re-examine the calculation of the transverse spin-diffusion coefficient in a dilute degenerate sp...
10 pagesThe linear equations for transverse spin dynamics in weakly polarised degenerate Fermi liqui...
On the basis of our previous work, a rigorous kinetic equation for a spin-polarized plasma is derive...
Abstract: We derive the collision operator in kinetic equation for a low-density spin-pola...
Abstract: We derive the relaxation time of the total spin polarization for a low–density s...
We present a finite temperature calculation of the transverse spin-diffusion coefficient D⊥ in a dil...