Report of TAC 46 held at ICRISAT in Hyderabad, India, June 13-21, 1988, Alex McCalla presiding. TAC approved medium term plans for CIAT, IITA, and ILCA and sent them to the CGIAR, subject to inclusion of recommended changes. Clarifications were requested from ICRISAT on its MTP, to be reconsidered at TAC 47. Submissions of 1989 programs for CIP, IFPRI, ILRAD, and ISNAR, all centers with approved MTPs, were considered and approved, except IFPRI, held over to TAC 47 because it requested major changes. Concern about the scale of programs being approved led the Chair to institute a detailed analysis of experience so far. Annual program proposals for the remaining centers were approved.TAC approved papers on relations among centers, and relation...