Food security issues in Southern Africa, Maseru, Lesotho,January 1214,1987, organized by the Institute of Southern African Studies, National University of Lesotho, and spon sored by CTA. ISBN 92 90810319, Available from: CTA - Postbus 380 - 6700 AJ Wageningen- THE NETHERIANDS Food and nutrition strategies, Brussels, November 3-71986. This is a synopsis of the seminar held in conjunction with the Royal Academy of Overseas Sciences in Brussels by CTA. The full proceedings were reviewed in SPORE 17. ISBN 92 908129 7 Available from CTA. African cassava mosaic disease and its control, Yarnoussoukro, Cote d'Ivoire, May 18 1987, an international seminar held by CTA, FAO, ORSTOM, IITA, LAPC, Availab...