Cílem mé bakalářské práce bylo popsat a přiblížit problematiku výskytu svrabu ve zdravotnictví. Svrab je nejčastěji hlášené kožní parazitární onemocnění v České republice. Nezřídka dochází k zavlečení tohoto onemocnění do zdravotnického zařízení. Nemocniční nákazy jsou vnímány jako ukazatel kvality poskytované ošetřovatelské péče, proto zdravotníci věnují mnoho úsilí na prevenci nozokomiálních nákaz. Bakalářská práce je rozdělena na dvě části - teoretickou a praktickou. Teoretická část se věnuje samotnému onemocnění svrabem, jeho epidemiologické situaci, specifikům zdravotníků a prevenci scabies. Ve výzkumné části jsou vyhodnoceny výsledky provedeného kvalitativního výzkumu. Data byla získána formou dotazníkového šetření a zpracována d...
Scabies is a contagious skin disease, usually chronic course, characterized by itching and skin chan...
Introduction: Scabies is a neglected tropical public health problem around the world. It is caused b...
We have analysed all the reported and diagnosed cases of scabies in the years 1999-2000 per 100000 i...
v AJ The main goal of this thesis is to define the aspects of the disease scabies as a nosocomial in...
Svrab je uĉestala zarazna bolest koja moţe prerasti u epidemiju ako se ne lijeĉi na vrijeme ili ako ...
Theoretical part of dissertation was written on the basis of studying professional literature. It pr...
Title of this bachelor thesis is "Reported cases of scabies in Klatovy district from 1961 to 2010". ...
Background: scabies (causative agent: Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis) is a contagious parasitic dise...
Świerzb (Scabies) to częsta zakaźna choroba skóry wywoływana przez świerzbowca ludzkiego, która doty...
Świerzb jest pasożytniczą chorobą skóry wywołaną przez roztocza Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis. W 20...
Background: Scabies is a mandatory notifiable disease according to Croatian law. Due to an increased...
Bu retrospektif araştırmada, son üç yılda Manisa'da uyuzun durumunun saptanması amaçlanmıştır. Ekim ...
U ovom radu se prikazuje kretanje oboljenja od scabies u Zagrebu u razdoblju od 2010. do 2014. godin...
Scabies is a common parasitic infection caused by the mite Sarcoptes scabiei. Infestations occur whe...
Uyuz bir ektoparazitoz olup etkeni, Sarcoptes scabiei'dir. Klinik şekilleri çok çeşitli olabilmekted...
Scabies is a contagious skin disease, usually chronic course, characterized by itching and skin chan...
Introduction: Scabies is a neglected tropical public health problem around the world. It is caused b...
We have analysed all the reported and diagnosed cases of scabies in the years 1999-2000 per 100000 i...
v AJ The main goal of this thesis is to define the aspects of the disease scabies as a nosocomial in...
Svrab je uĉestala zarazna bolest koja moţe prerasti u epidemiju ako se ne lijeĉi na vrijeme ili ako ...
Theoretical part of dissertation was written on the basis of studying professional literature. It pr...
Title of this bachelor thesis is "Reported cases of scabies in Klatovy district from 1961 to 2010". ...
Background: scabies (causative agent: Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis) is a contagious parasitic dise...
Świerzb (Scabies) to częsta zakaźna choroba skóry wywoływana przez świerzbowca ludzkiego, która doty...
Świerzb jest pasożytniczą chorobą skóry wywołaną przez roztocza Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis. W 20...
Background: Scabies is a mandatory notifiable disease according to Croatian law. Due to an increased...
Bu retrospektif araştırmada, son üç yılda Manisa'da uyuzun durumunun saptanması amaçlanmıştır. Ekim ...
U ovom radu se prikazuje kretanje oboljenja od scabies u Zagrebu u razdoblju od 2010. do 2014. godin...
Scabies is a common parasitic infection caused by the mite Sarcoptes scabiei. Infestations occur whe...
Uyuz bir ektoparazitoz olup etkeni, Sarcoptes scabiei'dir. Klinik şekilleri çok çeşitli olabilmekted...
Scabies is a contagious skin disease, usually chronic course, characterized by itching and skin chan...
Introduction: Scabies is a neglected tropical public health problem around the world. It is caused b...
We have analysed all the reported and diagnosed cases of scabies in the years 1999-2000 per 100000 i...