Welcome to this issue of the FEPSAC Newsletter – Fédération Européenne de Psychologie des Sport et des Activités Corporelles (European Federation of Sport Psychology). FEPSAC managing council meeting in Lille from May 10–12, 2017 The recent FEPSAC MC meeting took place in Lille, France from May 10–12, 2017 and was hosted by the University of Lille 2 and Centre Resources en Optimisation de la Performance et en Psychologie du Sportif“ (C.R.O.P.S.) organized by Yancy Dufour and Nathalie Crepin. During the three days the MC members Karin Moesch, Nadine Debois, Maurizio Bertollo, and Lina Vaisetaite contributed to the further education of (mainly) French applied sport psychologists. Topics that were discussed during the MC meeting were the B...