'd put a level across from...from this timber across to the other side, an' see that both your ...your gunnels were levelled before you'd fasten 'em.YesJ. D. A. WIDDOWSONNot use
barrow (v)Well, they'd...they'd barrow it out then on the...on the flake with a handbarrow.YesJ. D...
shaft-strap...when this load would surge ahead on her 'twould tip her... tip her harness up, her......
reap hook...and one feller would turn the stone an' the other feller grind the axe or the scythe ...
gunnelWell,then you'd...then you'd get what you call your gunnels an' put on, an' you sheer her.Yes...' then you'd...from...from your counter knees you'd run along what was called a casing ...
timber head(sic) Now you fasten them through there...that was what was called the timber heads tha...
gunwallSo now then, we'll take out what we call a gunwall, oh,about an inch and a quarter,well-flar...' then you'd...from...from your counter knees you'd run along what was called a casing ...
champering[PT] If the timber was uneven you _ we would use a shove. That was another,a... hollow t...
rowlock n. . .an' then you'd. . .from. . .from your counter knees you'd run along what was ca...
barrel'Alf...went up in the barrell,Alf...went up in the barrell,an' he_ the rectly (direct...
flagging ironAn' then in between the _ in the joint in between the stave, we would use a flaggin' i...
broad-axe nAn' they'd take their broad-axe an' they'd chop-flat on _ on each side of the log that t...'ll put three stringers along first - tall trees, an' ... and string 'em along. An' t...
block n...and when you're cut out, when you're cut back to the back of his block, you're shifted ...
barrow (v)Well, they'd...they'd barrow it out then on the...on the flake with a handbarrow.YesJ. D...
shaft-strap...when this load would surge ahead on her 'twould tip her... tip her harness up, her......
reap hook...and one feller would turn the stone an' the other feller grind the axe or the scythe ...
gunnelWell,then you'd...then you'd get what you call your gunnels an' put on, an' you sheer her.Yes...' then you'd...from...from your counter knees you'd run along what was called a casing ...
timber head(sic) Now you fasten them through there...that was what was called the timber heads tha...
gunwallSo now then, we'll take out what we call a gunwall, oh,about an inch and a quarter,well-flar...' then you'd...from...from your counter knees you'd run along what was called a casing ...
champering[PT] If the timber was uneven you _ we would use a shove. That was another,a... hollow t...
rowlock n. . .an' then you'd. . .from. . .from your counter knees you'd run along what was ca...
barrel'Alf...went up in the barrell,Alf...went up in the barrell,an' he_ the rectly (direct...
flagging ironAn' then in between the _ in the joint in between the stave, we would use a flaggin' i...
broad-axe nAn' they'd take their broad-axe an' they'd chop-flat on _ on each side of the log that t...'ll put three stringers along first - tall trees, an' ... and string 'em along. An' t...
block n...and when you're cut out, when you're cut back to the back of his block, you're shifted ...
barrow (v)Well, they'd...they'd barrow it out then on the...on the flake with a handbarrow.YesJ. D...
shaft-strap...when this load would surge ahead on her 'twould tip her... tip her harness up, her......
reap hook...and one feller would turn the stone an' the other feller grind the axe or the scythe ...