gunnelWell,then you'd...then you'd get what you call your gunnels an' put on, an' you sheer her.YesJ. D. A. WIDDOWSONNot use
gunny bag....and the sailor he had his little gunny bag,you know, on his back.... (see...
barrel'Alf...went up in the barrell,Alf...went up in the barrell,an' he_ the rectly (direct...
garbetEight foot of her keel - that's all was left into her; went right to the garbets.YesJ. D. A. ...
gunnelWell after that had had her pretty solid then,see. You had your...your gu...' then you'd...from...from your counter knees you'd run along what was called a casing ...
gunwallSo now then, we'll take out what we call a gunwall, oh,about an inch and a quarter,well-flar...
gunnyLets have a gunny at itlookYesJ. D. A. WIDDOWSONCOLLECTOR'S PERMANENTDNE-citUsed INot use
timber head(sic) Now you fasten them through there...that was what was called the timber heads tha...' then she'd come back again until she'd get what they call a hank, a hank o' wool, twi...
barrow (v)Well, they'd...they'd barrow it out then on the...on the flake with a handbarrow.YesJ. D...
sheer[S]2[S] vWell, then you'd...then you'd get what you call your gunnels an' put on, an' you shee...
powder hornWell,you'd usually have a big powder horn with you, you know, a big old cow's horn or a ...
tightWell after that had had her pretty solid then see. You had your...your gun...
hank n[PT]' then she'd come back again until she'd get what they call a hank, a hank o' woo...' then you'd...from...from your counter knees you'd run along what was called a casing ...
gunny bag....and the sailor he had his little gunny bag,you know, on his back.... (see...
barrel'Alf...went up in the barrell,Alf...went up in the barrell,an' he_ the rectly (direct...
garbetEight foot of her keel - that's all was left into her; went right to the garbets.YesJ. D. A. ...
gunnelWell after that had had her pretty solid then,see. You had your...your gu...' then you'd...from...from your counter knees you'd run along what was called a casing ...
gunwallSo now then, we'll take out what we call a gunwall, oh,about an inch and a quarter,well-flar...
gunnyLets have a gunny at itlookYesJ. D. A. WIDDOWSONCOLLECTOR'S PERMANENTDNE-citUsed INot use
timber head(sic) Now you fasten them through there...that was what was called the timber heads tha...' then she'd come back again until she'd get what they call a hank, a hank o' wool, twi...
barrow (v)Well, they'd...they'd barrow it out then on the...on the flake with a handbarrow.YesJ. D...
sheer[S]2[S] vWell, then you'd...then you'd get what you call your gunnels an' put on, an' you shee...
powder hornWell,you'd usually have a big powder horn with you, you know, a big old cow's horn or a ...
tightWell after that had had her pretty solid then see. You had your...your gun...
hank n[PT]' then she'd come back again until she'd get what they call a hank, a hank o' woo...' then you'd...from...from your counter knees you'd run along what was called a casing ...
gunny bag....and the sailor he had his little gunny bag,you know, on his back.... (see...
barrel'Alf...went up in the barrell,Alf...went up in the barrell,an' he_ the rectly (direct...
garbetEight foot of her keel - that's all was left into her; went right to the garbets.YesJ. D. A. ...