fishBreakfast - Porridge or fish and brewis (hard tack).GMS Feb 76DNE-citUsed IUsed I2Used
fishFish and bait are scarce at Port aux Basques, a few fish were taken at Sagona yesterday.GMS Ju...
salmon[There are] no lesse varietie of kindes of fish in the sea and fresh waters, as Trouts, Salmo...
fishAmongst the Trades not yet lost is the Newfoundland fish trade.GMS Sept 78DNE-cit PRINTED IT...
fish...carry a stock o' hard bread, an' the soft bread'd be gone, make brewis out o' the hard bread...
fish"Fish and Brewis": When springtime come round we'll go cutting spruce,/ We'll make just enough...
fishSunday breakfast, where fishing goes on, is over brewis, "fish and bruise".G.M.Story June 1963...
fishWe would start off at breakfast with fish an' brewis.YesJ.D.A.WIDDOWSON AUG 1973Used IUsed I2No...
cull vAll the fish I culled [would be] enough to keep you in fish and brewis for ages and ages.[...
fisherman_Fresh_ fish (right out of the water), hard tack (brewis) and fat pork fried in scruncheon...
fishermanSometimes 'twould be fishermen's brewis - that'd be the only meal we'd get any good; fish ...
fishLife was hard in those outports [in the early days]. The winter diet was hard tack, salt fish,...
fish"Fish an' brewis, how many youse?" It rhymed, for brewis is pronounced "bruise."W.J.KIRWIN DEC...
water v..some homemade buttered bread and a bit of watered fish'GMS Jan 80Used I and SupUsed I a...
brewis n"Fish an' brewis, how many youse?" It rhymed, for brewis is pronounced "bruise." ... You...
brewis n"Bruise" for breakfast. Hard tack, fish, pork, boiled together - good. "Two more early...
fishFish and bait are scarce at Port aux Basques, a few fish were taken at Sagona yesterday.GMS Ju...
salmon[There are] no lesse varietie of kindes of fish in the sea and fresh waters, as Trouts, Salmo...
fishAmongst the Trades not yet lost is the Newfoundland fish trade.GMS Sept 78DNE-cit PRINTED IT...
fish...carry a stock o' hard bread, an' the soft bread'd be gone, make brewis out o' the hard bread...
fish"Fish and Brewis": When springtime come round we'll go cutting spruce,/ We'll make just enough...
fishSunday breakfast, where fishing goes on, is over brewis, "fish and bruise".G.M.Story June 1963...
fishWe would start off at breakfast with fish an' brewis.YesJ.D.A.WIDDOWSON AUG 1973Used IUsed I2No...
cull vAll the fish I culled [would be] enough to keep you in fish and brewis for ages and ages.[...
fisherman_Fresh_ fish (right out of the water), hard tack (brewis) and fat pork fried in scruncheon...
fishermanSometimes 'twould be fishermen's brewis - that'd be the only meal we'd get any good; fish ...
fishLife was hard in those outports [in the early days]. The winter diet was hard tack, salt fish,...
fish"Fish an' brewis, how many youse?" It rhymed, for brewis is pronounced "bruise."W.J.KIRWIN DEC...
water v..some homemade buttered bread and a bit of watered fish'GMS Jan 80Used I and SupUsed I a...
brewis n"Fish an' brewis, how many youse?" It rhymed, for brewis is pronounced "bruise." ... You...
brewis n"Bruise" for breakfast. Hard tack, fish, pork, boiled together - good. "Two more early...
fishFish and bait are scarce at Port aux Basques, a few fish were taken at Sagona yesterday.GMS Ju...
salmon[There are] no lesse varietie of kindes of fish in the sea and fresh waters, as Trouts, Salmo...
fishAmongst the Trades not yet lost is the Newfoundland fish trade.GMS Sept 78DNE-cit PRINTED IT...