caplin nThe oceans off Newfoundland are one of the world's richest feeding grounds for fish.... Feeding on these riches, thousands of millions of the most prolific food fish reach maturity every year - none more numerous than the seven-inch caplin (pronounced _cay_-plin), dark green and silver and iridescent, and shaped like slender torpedoes.PRINTED ITEM G.M. StoryJAN 1970 JH 1-70Used I and SupUsed I and SupNot usedcapelan, capellin, capeling, caplain, capline, capling, capon, ceaplin, ~bait, ~baiting, ~bunting, ~cart, ~fishery, ~mesh, ~pit, ~run, ~scull, ~season, ~seine, ~sick, ~spawn, ~time, ~trap, ~trip, ~voyage, ~weather, ~glut, ~skiff, BAITSKIFF, BAITING, SEINEChecked by Cathy Wiseman on Mon 30 Mar 201