caplin nCapelin are small fish about the size of smelts and of considerable food-value. They school in enormous quantities on the coast; the water appears at times to be literally filled with this dark, almost transparent, fish, and they often pack together in great masses in the cod-traps or strand in shallow water.PRINTED ITEM DNE-citG.M. Story JUN 1970JH JUN 1970Used I and SupUsed I and SupNot usedcapelan, capellin, capeling, caplain, capline, capling, capon, ceaplin, ~bait, ~baiting, ~bunting, ~cart, ~fishery, ~mesh, ~pit, ~run, ~scull, ~season, ~seine, ~sick, ~spawn, ~time, ~trap, ~trip, ~voyage, ~weather, ~glut, ~skiff, BAITSKIFF, BAITING, SEINEChecked by Cathy Wiseman on Mon 30 Mar 2015; Card marked DNE-cit, but not used