Single and double strand breakage of DNA by bleomycin under various conditions was analyzed quantitatively using purified simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA and SV40 chromatin. The method employed for DNA assay was fluorometry of SV40 DNA separated into three forms I, II, and III by 1.4% agarose gel electrophoresis and stained with ethidium bromide. This method was extremely simple and accurate for quantitative estimation of single and double strand breakage of circular DNA. The amount of bleomycin required for in vitro breakage of SV40 chromatin DNA was much higher than that of naked SV40 DNA. 2-Mercaptoethanol accerated bleomycin-induced DNA strand breakage. The concentration of 2-mercaptoethanol required for the acceleration was higher in SV40 c...
Simian virus 40 (SV40) chromatin has a nucleosome structure similar to that of cellular chromatin an...
Bleomycin is a glycopeptide antibiotic and possesses potent antitumour activity against a variety of...
To investigate factors involved in excision repair DNA synthesis, a soluble extract was prepared fro...
Single and double strand breakage of DNA by bleomycin under various conditions was analyzed quantita...
Both in linear T2 DNA, analyzed by velocity sedimentation, and in superooiled Col El DNA, analyzed b...
A study of BLM A<sub>5</sub> was conducted using a previously isolated library of hairpin DNAs found...
Bleomycin is a chemotherapeutic and a radiomimetic drug which induces single and double-strand break...
Peripheral blood lymphocytes from 15 jeepney drivers and 15 control subjects were cultured and treat...
Purpose: To compare bleomycin with radiation in the G2 chromatid break assay. Controversy exists in ...
A simple cell-free system for studying a priming factor involved in the repair of bleomycin-damaged ...
The authors tried to determine a dose effect relation between the concentration of bleomycin and the...
<p>(A) Supercoiled minichromosome DNA and forms which result from strand breaks. (B) Minichromosome ...
Although chemotherapy targets cancer tissue, it also damages the DNA of non-cancer cells. The aim of...
ABSTRACT: Clinically used bleomycin A5 has been employed in a study of double-strand cleavage of a l...
Endonuclease IV of Escherichia coli has been impli-cated by genetic studies in the repair of DNA dam...
Simian virus 40 (SV40) chromatin has a nucleosome structure similar to that of cellular chromatin an...
Bleomycin is a glycopeptide antibiotic and possesses potent antitumour activity against a variety of...
To investigate factors involved in excision repair DNA synthesis, a soluble extract was prepared fro...
Single and double strand breakage of DNA by bleomycin under various conditions was analyzed quantita...
Both in linear T2 DNA, analyzed by velocity sedimentation, and in superooiled Col El DNA, analyzed b...
A study of BLM A<sub>5</sub> was conducted using a previously isolated library of hairpin DNAs found...
Bleomycin is a chemotherapeutic and a radiomimetic drug which induces single and double-strand break...
Peripheral blood lymphocytes from 15 jeepney drivers and 15 control subjects were cultured and treat...
Purpose: To compare bleomycin with radiation in the G2 chromatid break assay. Controversy exists in ...
A simple cell-free system for studying a priming factor involved in the repair of bleomycin-damaged ...
The authors tried to determine a dose effect relation between the concentration of bleomycin and the...
<p>(A) Supercoiled minichromosome DNA and forms which result from strand breaks. (B) Minichromosome ...
Although chemotherapy targets cancer tissue, it also damages the DNA of non-cancer cells. The aim of...
ABSTRACT: Clinically used bleomycin A5 has been employed in a study of double-strand cleavage of a l...
Endonuclease IV of Escherichia coli has been impli-cated by genetic studies in the repair of DNA dam...
Simian virus 40 (SV40) chromatin has a nucleosome structure similar to that of cellular chromatin an...
Bleomycin is a glycopeptide antibiotic and possesses potent antitumour activity against a variety of...
To investigate factors involved in excision repair DNA synthesis, a soluble extract was prepared fro...