Diese Arbeit beschreibt zwei Experimente, die auf Korrelationsmessungen zwischen verschränkten Photonen basieren. Die Photonen werden dabei zwischen den kanarischen Inseln La Palma und Teneriffa 144 km räumlich voneinander getrennt. Das erste Experiment trägt zur Diskussion darüber bei, ob quantenmechanische Vorhersagen innerhalb eines lokal-realistischen Rahmens beschrieben werden können. Diese Frage spielt seit der Veröffentlichung des berühmten Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen “Paradoxons” [1] eine fundamentale Rolle in der Begründung der Quantenmechanik. Das beschriebene Experiment ist ein Test der CHSH Form [2] der Bell’schen Ungleichung [3] und schließt gleichzeitig zwei der drei “Schlupflöcher” für lokalen Realismus, die in einem experime...
Christiaens D., ''Data-driven local and global reconstruction of white matter fibres in diffusion-we...
The development of ultra-sensitive sensors is a prerequisite for better diagnostic tools. One approa...
The mechanism which causes many of the unusual thermomechanical properties of martensitic alloys, a...
In dieser Arbeit identifizieren und untersuchen wir verschiedene universelle Quantenphänomene, die i...
The PANDA experiment, which will be located at the future Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research, ...
Entangled photons are at the heart of experimental quantum physics. They were used for the first fun...
Since the awareness of entanglement was raised by Einstein, Podolski, Rosen and Schrödinger in the b...
Diese Arbeit zielt darauf ab, auftretende Phänomene beim Transport von Elektronen durch inhomogene S...
Few-cycle laser pulses are an important tool for investigating laser-matter interactions. Apart fro...
Recent advancements in laser technology are quickly moving the frontiers of research: quantum dynam...
Les forces i el contingut de partícules de la natura estan descrits per el Model Estàndard (ME) de f...
Il Principio di Esclusione di Pauli (PEP) rappresenta uno dei principi fondamentali della fisica mod...
Il manoscritto riguarda lo studio di effetti di plasmonica ad alti campi, ossia nel contesto dell'in...
In many-body systems the extent and range of spatial quantum correlations induced by entanglement pr...
The COMPASS Collaboration has two main fields of interest: to improve our knowledge of the nucleon s...
Christiaens D., ''Data-driven local and global reconstruction of white matter fibres in diffusion-we...
The development of ultra-sensitive sensors is a prerequisite for better diagnostic tools. One approa...
The mechanism which causes many of the unusual thermomechanical properties of martensitic alloys, a...
In dieser Arbeit identifizieren und untersuchen wir verschiedene universelle Quantenphänomene, die i...
The PANDA experiment, which will be located at the future Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research, ...
Entangled photons are at the heart of experimental quantum physics. They were used for the first fun...
Since the awareness of entanglement was raised by Einstein, Podolski, Rosen and Schrödinger in the b...
Diese Arbeit zielt darauf ab, auftretende Phänomene beim Transport von Elektronen durch inhomogene S...
Few-cycle laser pulses are an important tool for investigating laser-matter interactions. Apart fro...
Recent advancements in laser technology are quickly moving the frontiers of research: quantum dynam...
Les forces i el contingut de partícules de la natura estan descrits per el Model Estàndard (ME) de f...
Il Principio di Esclusione di Pauli (PEP) rappresenta uno dei principi fondamentali della fisica mod...
Il manoscritto riguarda lo studio di effetti di plasmonica ad alti campi, ossia nel contesto dell'in...
In many-body systems the extent and range of spatial quantum correlations induced by entanglement pr...
The COMPASS Collaboration has two main fields of interest: to improve our knowledge of the nucleon s...
Christiaens D., ''Data-driven local and global reconstruction of white matter fibres in diffusion-we...
The development of ultra-sensitive sensors is a prerequisite for better diagnostic tools. One approa...
The mechanism which causes many of the unusual thermomechanical properties of martensitic alloys, a...